GPS rankings: how many have mistakenly clicked on “evaluation art. 15 paragraph 4”?


Provincial GPS rankings: there is also the case of teachers who are in the ranking with a score lower than expected. The motivation: having inserted “by mistake” the evaluation request art. 15 paragraph 4

Art evaluation. 15 paragraph 4 It only had to be pointed out if it is a service carried out before the year 2000 in officially approved or legally recognized secondary schools, in the approved primary school or in the approved nursery.

Since all this explanation was not present in the application form that must be completed online before September 6, some teachers have inserted it, not realizing the consequences.

In this case, in fact, the service is rated 50% of the scores provided for specific or non-specific scores.

A problem highlighted by one of our readers

“Dear Lalla,

I am a precarious teacher with 14 years of service in kindergarten, primary and secondary school, I have 10 cdc.

I want to bring you my problem. I mistakenly marked the small square of during the compilation of the services in gps Art15 eat 4. , which refers to service rendered prior to 2000 in a paired high school …….

Well my service starts from 2007, it is not in high school or balanced school so it has nothing to do with this.Art;

Among other things, being precarious, in online applications in the old rankings, my service was already present and correctly evaluated, how do you consider it now at 50%?

I was wrong, it is true, but it is clear that it is a mistake, since it is repeated throughout 14 years of service, in all types of schools.

I wonder how they can take it into consideration since the requirements of that article have nothing to do with my service, legally if you do not have certain requirements in the contests you will not enter …?

I made the necessary reports to the USP in Rome and to the 10 polo schools, but I have not received a response or protocol number ”.

Can the school consider recommending the applicant? In our opinion, yes, because as rightly highlighted in the verifications, it can be verified that the declared service does not meet the characteristics required by the evaluation table art. 15 section 4 and therefore the correct assessment will be restored, this time in favor of the teacher.

In fact, we believe that such an error can be attributed to a “material error” and that perhaps it should not even have arrived in mid-September without intervening in the matter.

Substitutes lost due to lower score

The Ministry, however, has entrusted the schools with the additional control of the declared grades, and this will begin with the first substitution granted. In the case of the colleague, it may happen that he has to lose substitutes because with a lower score than he should. This problem is not easy to solve, because in any case it is you who signed the application without due attention and now you will have to wait for the process (in our opinion punitive) to be able to restore the correct score. Unless the secretariats are still in the evaluation phase and accept the report, as we hope.
