Bill Gates: “Covid will only end in two years, a hard autumn awaits us”


“The pandemic will only end in 2022.” To say that it is Bill gates, founder of Microsoft and the Gates Foundation, in an interview with the newspaper The impression. The American billionaire said he was “pessimistic about what the fall will be like,” and stressed how “if we do not have large interventions, the number of deaths also in the USA it will return to spring levels. However, he added, the good news is that “we have several promising vaccines, and they could receive an emergency clearance from the FDA or MHRA before the end of the year, or certainly early next year.” If vaccines “are effective, even with a vaccination level of 60 percent, we will stop the exponential spread of the disease. Next year we will lower the death toll and in 2022 the pandemic will end.

Regarding the attitude of the United States on vaccines, Gates clarifies that the United States “are contradictory” because “in terms of research they have given more money than all the others combined, multiplied by two”, while for production in poor countries “They didn’t move.” I hope – he hopes – that “this administration or another to come, do it. I spend a lot of time for that to happen“In conclusion, criticism of Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic is harsh:”Management does not cooperate with WHO. I do not agree, I consider it a mistake. It is regrettable that many of the President’s statements have elicited some opposition to the success of vaccine trials. When done, the US will have to take a very thorough exam to understand how to prepare for the next pandemic».

In July, Gates had paid close attention to the commitment of Italy, one of the countries most affected by the pandemic, and had personally called Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte (also publishing a reflection on the Messenger Service).

September 15, 2020 (change September 15, 2020 | 11:01 am)

