Covid, hospitals under pressure in Palermo. Positives waiting in the emergency room


The pressure on Palermo hospitals is strong, while Covid cases are growing rapidly. With the brain already full and the Civic preparing to accommodate other infected people, several “positives” await a bed in the emergency room. Of the 180 hospitalization places provided by the career plan for the provinces of Palermo and Trapani, half are already occupied, the rest have not yet been enabled. News that comes a day when the daily bulletin, released by the Ministry of Health, counts 65 infected (five of them migrants) out of only 2,158 swabs.

The western front

For days the epicenter of the emergency on the island has moved from Catania to Palermo. Yesterday, excluding migrants, 60 percent of the new cases (that is, 37) were discovered in the Sicilian capital. To weigh the accounts, there are three positive patients in the Villa Sofía Neurosurgery, a hospital in which on Sunday a dead woman was infected by Covid, and the Rap outbreak. In the branch of the Municipality that attends the waste collection service, 34 are infected and 800 serological tests are expected to result.

Over the weekend, sources in Palermo hospitals say, health workers struggled a bit to find

space for patients who had to be hospitalized for symptoms related to Covid-19. In Cervelló, where the 60 places in the Infectious Diseases department are already occupied, the new positives wait in an emergency area for some places to be available. The other exit is the Civic, where there are already a score of Covid patients.

In short, you go into starts and starts that generate some discomfort and some risk. You are positive, for example, they have He spent Sunday in a protected structure in Cervelló before finding a bed and two others remained in the Marsala hospital trauma center for the same reason. A woman, on the other hand, spent the night in a “gray area” of the Ingrassia hospital, after the swab she had been subjected to was positive. “They told her there were no places in the Covid rooms and they put her on the waiting list, they couldn’t send her At home – says Cimo’s regional undersecretary, Angelo Collodoro – Do they tell us that there is no shortage of beds for those who have contracted the coronavirus and then we record these episodes? ”.


Coronavirus, 2158 swabs in Sicily: 65 new infections, 6 migrants

The Region plan

The plan signed on September 11 by Councilor Razza provides for a “sequential” strategy. For ordinary hospitalizations, once the brain is filled, patients will go to the Civic, where Just today a score of places should be ready and where, according to the provisions of the Region, up to 80 people can be reached. Once the spaces in the two hospitals are exhausted, the positives must be hospitalized in Mazara del Vallo (12 places) and finally in the old Acquasanta Maternal and Child Institute, which can accommodate up to 24 patients. Added to these are the intensive and sub-intensive care beds that are also offered at Ismett and Partinico.

“If, as is probable, the cases in Palermo increased and only 20 contemporary hospitalizations were needed, we would have difficulties to handle the emergency – says a doctor who requests anonymity – With a double problem: we take resources and spaces to normal emergencies and not we see the Covid positives as we should. “

The balance of the last 24 hours

In yesterday’s bulletin, after Palermo, by number of infected there is Catania with 9 cases, Trapani 6, Agrigento 4, Syracuse 3, none in the other four provinces. In the Catania area, there is an outbreak in Aci Catena: 9 positives and 23 people in quarantine, waiting for the swab.


Palermo, three positive patients from Villa Sofia Neurosurgery

Deaths on the island total 292, and the two deaths were already released on Sunday but were included in yesterday’s report. Hospitalizations increased by fifteen units but patients in intensive care were 16 in total, one less than the day before. Fourteen recovered.
