New episode of the investigation into the funds of the League: this time the investigations of the Genoa Prosecutor’s Office hit the trail of the 19 million euros missing and whose tracks led mainly to Cyprus and secondly to the Cayman Islands. Under the lens of the magistrates a suspicious transfer between two notaries close to Matteo Salvini’s party.
As Repubblica writes:
In 2013, the Lega Nord studied how to create a trust in which the party’s assets could flow: empty the bank checking accounts so that, in the event of legal actions, the creditors and especially the prosecutors to investigate the disappearance of the 49 million Euros from the fraud against the State carried out by the former treasurer Francesco Belsito and the then secretary Umberto Bossi, they found nothing.
Specifically, the attention of the Genoese investigators was directed towards a maxi transfer of 19 million euros made by the Milanese notary Angelo Busani to another notary, Mario Grandi, both in orbit around the League. The latter then delivers the 19 million with another transfer abroad, presumably to make them lose track.
On July 5, 2018, Grandi initiated a transfer for the same amount to Bailican Ltd, a Cyprus company with accounts in Basel, and the Merchant Trust attributable to a company based in the Cayman Islands. Bailican’s majority shareholder is Serhiy Tihipko, former Prime Minister of Ukraine and Finance.