Pirlo the graduate: a football idea that looks to the future – La Stampa


A thread of emotion, price of each exam: not even the champions, the idols of the crowd, are immune. Andrea Pirlo knew how to hide it, helped by his imperturbable expression, especially by the awareness of having been a scrupulous student, he brilliantly passed the last tests and is now in effect a coach: the Juventus coach has discussed the thesis (entitled ” “My football “) in front of the announcer Renzo Ulivieri, director of the coaching school, and obtained the qualification as a Uefa Pro coach: the vote will be known tomorrow, but it has generated very positive opinions.

Positive feedback
«His general vision of football came from the thesis. We understand that you are looking for the show but that it is also concrete and realistic, ”says Ulivieri. Fun football, therefore, with a European flair, trying to push high and perhaps even accepting one-on-one duels, with an aggressive defense that goes up without breaking the line. In any case, practicality will not be lost sight of, certainly also recalling the famous Juventus motto: “Winning is the only thing that matters.”

A quarter of an hour of exposure
Pirlo appeared in the morning at Coverciano, in the hall of the Football Museum, where he took exams on some individual subjects, then in the afternoon he discussed his thesis. Blue suit, white shirt and leather backpack over the shoulder, despite the inevitable heartbeat he seemed quite relaxed. With a smiling face, next to him was Mirko Conte, who now occupies the position of substitute for Zauli in Juventus Sub 23. For the discussion of the thesis there were, among others, colleagues Vincenzo Italiano, coach of the recently promoted Spezia in Serie A, and former Juventus player Paolo Montero. The morning exam subjects were five and included individual interviews: soccer technique and tactics against Ulivieri, communication with Felice Accame, psychology with Isabella Croce, training methodology with Ferretto Ferretti and sports medicine with Maria Grazia Rubenni. Also present was Demetrio Albertini, president of the Technical Sector. At around 1 in the afternoon, Pirlo went out for lunch and then returned around 2:30 in the afternoon to discuss the thesis itself. A quarter of an hour lasts: «Pirlo’s value was already known, his vision is more than modern, avant-garde. At the end of the day – added Ulivieri – is precisely what we try to make people understand: the modern today becomes old very quickly.

In the Montero and Italiano classroom

So now it’s up to the field to put into practice those ideas that have hit the commission. Now the new Juventus coach can focus exclusively on Juventus. In fact, for Pirlo and the rest of the students, a fairly long educational journey has ended, which began a year ago -at the end of September 2019- and which had a total of 240 hours of lessons, including those followed online during the closure for the health emergency. .

The essential points of the paper
one- Balance between show and concretion
Pirlo’s vision of football, illustrated in the thesis, fuses the search for a beautiful game and a taste for aesthetics with the specificity imposed by the result law, even more marked for those who have the responsibility and fortune to lead a club of first level bound to win

two- High blood pressure and aggressive defense
Fidelity to the slogan “Winning is the only thing that matters” does not clash, therefore, with the idea of ​​teaching a fun football, with a European dimension, which aims to press high and also accepts one-on-one duels, with an aggressive defense that rises without breaking the line

3- Ideas projected into the future
Pirlo’s vision is not only modern, it is projected into the future: “At the forefront”, says the speaker Renzo Ulivieri. A sign that you are not just based on experience, but are studying new tactical solutions that you are preparing to experiment with at Continassa.
