Lega, the strange investigation that is born without crimes of a condo dispute


It is an investigation born to the contrary, which is leading the Milan Prosecutor to investigate Matteo Salvini’s League and the funds of the Lombardia Film Commission. Typically, prosecutors start with the news of a crime and then search for the culprits. Here, as the newspapers show, first – without the shadow of a crime – the search for the League began, analyzing in depth its structure, men, ties, as if waiting for a crime to emerge. .

In the end the crime came: or at least that is what the prosecutor believes, who has requested and obtained the arrest for embezzlement of three accountants closely linked to the League. Complex matter, where certainly confusing and dark business traces arise around the Lombardy Film Commission and the three arrested: but where until now there is no trace of money it reached the League, and in fact to the “deep throat” of the investigation , the repentant blackmailer Luca Sostegni, yesterday through his lawyer, excludes having told prosecutors that the money from the mess would be used to finance the electoral campaign of the Northern League.

But if the procedural story is evolving, its singular genesis is now crystallized. The investigation that hangs over the Lega on the eve of the elections arises from a kind of condominium dispute that arose two years ago inside the beautiful Milanese building where the “Lega per Salvini premier”, the official name of the party: via delle Stelline 1, via Washington area.

On February 12, 2018, a tenant of the building wrote to the Public Prosecutor of the Republic Francesco Greco, saying that he had learned that the new headquarters of the League was located there. It claims that the condominium regulations exclude the use of housing units for political purposes and explains that “for reasons of security and public order, residents of the Jewish religion are also taken into account in the building and in the surroundings, where there is also a Jewish school and synagogue, the condominiums express concern about the choice of via delle Stelline 1 as the headquarters of the League. ”The crimes, as you can see, are not mentioned, however, the condominium addresses the prosecutor.

On February 12, 2018, the letter arrived at El Greco, who examined it the same day and decided to register it in the “model 45”, which is the register of news without crime, and sent it to the deputy prosecutor Eugenio Fusco, who is in charge of consumer fraud. .

Fusco does nothing for more than two months. On May 9, without formulating any hypothesis of a crime, he ordered the Guardia di Finanza to investigate the headquarters of the Lega in via delle Stelline. The yellow flames are launched into the investigation: they perform three observation services one after another, they interrogate the janitor, the janitor’s husband, the administrator, the administrator’s son. And on June 29 they sent a long report to Fusco in which they explained that in via delle Stelline the Lega has its address at the office of Michele Scilieri: one of the accountants who will later be arrested. In the Treasury report, there are still no crimes.

But the prosecutor is determined to see clearly. Therefore, the Treasury continues to investigate. Since then, the history and organization of the League have been in the sights. Matteo Salvini, Roberto Calderoli, Lorenzo Fontana, Giulio Centemero and Giancarlo Giorgetti are identified as the “founding members” of the party. The Bergamo notary who drew up the articles of incorporation is identified. And from there we began to take an in-depth X-ray of the entire League. Meanwhile, on July 5 and 6, the story of the League’s “ghost” headquarters lands on the pages of the newspaper. On July 25, Hacienda sends a new colossal report to Fusco, 1,581 pages: inside is not only the history of the headquarters that worried good condominiums, there are chamber surveys, bank analysis, minutes of the Treasury Agency, records of Pontidafin chamber and other companies of the Northern League. The names of all those that appear in this or that structure are crossed in turn. In this report, the name of Lombardia Film Commission appears for the first time, of which Scilieri is a substitute auditor. This is where the Prosecutor’s Office stands out.

The day after the arrival of the report from the Guardia di Finanza, the investigation finally changes form: the file leaves form 45 and goes to “form 21″, where there are crimes and under investigation: Scilieri is investigated by a singular accusation ” . breach of a judge’s decision. ”But in that container the investigation can be unleashed in all its power. For more than a year, Finance has been investigating the Film Commission and its business. on October 16, 2019, Prosecutor Stefano Civardi registers Scilieri for money laundering and Alberto Di Rubba, former president of the Lega Commission, for embezzlement The circle has been completed.
