Details continue to emerge about Arek milik and the future of the Polish striker who now seems distant from Naples. too gazzetta.it has focused on what could now be an upcoming sale to Rome di Fonseca, with the negotiations that have experienced a decisive acceleration in the last hours: “The executives of the two clubs are discussing the final details to announce the closure of the operation. The official announcement should be made in the next few hours, but the agreement has been reached by the two clubs. In these minutes, a interview between the Giallorossi executives and Cristiano Giuntoli, who is in connection with Aurelio De Laurentiis.
The president follows the evolution of his Roman residence, where he is quarantined after contracting Covid-19. Naples and Rome have reached an agreement on the basis of 20 million plus 5 in bonuses, linked to the player’s performance and the achievement of the Champions League zone ”.
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