On my knees because there are no desks: Azzolina’s reboot is a failure


“It will be an extraordinary year.” Thus, interviewed by the Corriere della Sera, the Minister of Education, Lucia azzolinaSay hello to the start of the new school year. But this restart in times of pandemic is marked by many chiaroscuro. In the first place, that of the institutions that have had to surrender to too many difficulties and postpone the ringing of the first bell for a week.

Delayed reopening in many institutions

In Lazio they are at least 5 percent, according to data provided by the president of the Association of Presidents of Rome, Mario Rusconi. This is the case, for example, of aelementary of the capital, which has not been able to reopen due to the presence of four works, or the three comprehensive institutes of the municipality of Marino that will receive students only on September 24. The reason, in this case, according to the ordinance of the mayor of the town of Castelli Romani, is the “organizational problems”, linked “to the availability of the single-seater benches necessary for all the students and the staff of the teaching staff and Ata in these moments. incomplete “.

“The first section of single-seater desks sent by the government arrived this morning, we consider that we should have prepared everything for September 11, which is also why the school is closed today,” he explains to Giornale.it Professor Giuseppe Di Vico, dean of the Istituto Comprensivo Marino Centro. School was back i desks double to get rid of them and due to late deliveries at the elementary school complex he had to remedy the problem using the canteen stations. “The institutions have mocked us to the end with vague and contradictory indications, despite the promises the tables have arrived late and only partially, the result is that the children will stay at home one more week,” she aired. the mother of a pupil.

Children kneeling on chairs in Genoa

“So far, only 8 percent of the meters have reached their destination, that is, 200 thousand units, there are two million and 200 thousand meters that still have to be delivered to the institutes”announced the president of the National Presidi Association, Antonello Giannelli. Schools that have, for now, been left without, he explained, “are resorting to tricks.” One of them is to get rid of them completely, like it happened in high school. Visconti in Rome, where some young people, interviewed by The impression, he complained about the impossibility of taking notes “with books and notebooks on his legs.”

The most emblematic case, however, is the one denounced by the President of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti, who on Twitter posted a photo of a class of children kneeling on the ground, forced to write in chairs due to the lack of desks. “But where did the ones you promised go? Our children, teachers and families do not deserve this treatment, especially after the sacrifices made in recent months in which it was also a moral duty to work to avoid all this ”.protests the governor of Liguria, who announced that he had already contacted the school management.

Controversy over masks

It is a question and answer about the masks, however, among the extraordinary commissioner for emergency Domenico Arcuri, and the Codacons. The association has taken up the complaint from the parents of the children who attend the Pincherle Integral Institute in the Ostiense district of Rome. Here, in addition to the single-seater benches, the masks would also be missing. In fact, on the elementary website we read that “the school currently does not have masks for the students” is that “Every day two surgical masks should be used only as a spare”.

The government commissioner, however, denies it. Invitalia has let it be known that it has sent Pincherle “more than 15,000 More expensive: 13,000 masks for adults and 2,190 masks for children, as evidenced by the delivery notes of August 31, September 11, 12 and 14, 2020 “. A charge that will be enough for the next 11 days. The posts, on the other hand, the note concludes, will arrive “at the end of September.”

Supportive Teachers Lack, Disabled Students Stay Home

Then there is the question of the teaching staff. Only in the Lombard capital, according to the data provided to theAdnkronos from the CISL Scuola Milano secretary, Massimiliano Sambruna, “one teacher in five is missing”. Not to mention the support teachers: 2,065 would be missing, half of those in Milan. It is not better in the capital where for the same reason many students disabled they were forced to stay home. “Like every year, the first day of school for my son of a day of celebration has become one more humiliation, for those like my son, who suffers from autism, school does not start today, and who knows when it will start” ., denounces the father of Gianluigi, a 9-year-old boy who attends the Pio La Torre institute in via di Torrevecchia in Rome, who was left without a teacher support for. “There is no one who knows how to indicate a date, nothing,” said the father. Like him, there are many others.

“It is not the only report of this type that has reached me,” attacks Chiara Colosimo, advisor to the Brothers of Italy, who takes it out on Raggi and Zingaretti. “Once again -the accusation- they showed a total inability to manage emergencies and became accomplices of a truly shameful situation and not respectful of human dignity.”. Even the deputy of the Northern League, Rossano Sasso, a member of the Chamber’s Culture, Science and Education committee, assures that he has received dozens of complaints of this type. “There are no gels or masks, there are no teachers, especially supportive, so disabled children are forced to stay at home”read a note sent to journalists.

The blue deputy Giusy Versace also spoke on the subject: “The government should have faced this national emergency, instead it has forgotten the most fragile ones”. The vice president of the Chamber and deputy of Forza Italia, Mara Carfagna, also criticized, who presented a question to Minister Azzolina, highlighting how “These children without the necessary continuity run the risk of being destabilized, thus delaying the processes of socialization and learning”. “They should be among the first thoughts of those running the school right now, but they always slide to the bottom of priority.”, is the reasoning of the center-right parliamentarian.

Meloni and Salvini criticism: “Dozens of reports on inconveniences”

Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini are also on the warpath. Since this morning we have been receiving dozens and dozens of complaints from families, teachers and students about what does not work in the school: institutions that have not reopened, desks and masks that are missing, insufficient teachers and custodians, confusion about the protocols to follow in case contagion. “, He told theAdnkronos the leader of the Brothers of Italy. “We have made many proposals from April onwards, nothing has been done and above all we think of Rome and Lazio where 1000 classes do not start again because there are no desks”, also attacked Matteo Salvini, interviewed by Rtl 102.5. “It was known since April that schools would reopen”he added, questioning the “lack of listening” and the lack of “stabilization of precarious teachers” in Viale Trastevere.
