Basic income: it’s time to renewal for those who feel the benefit now 18 months. For these, that is, for those who applied in March 2019, September will be the last month in which financial support will be paid and only after a new question will resume disbursement for a maximum of another 18 months.
In this sense, those who in recent months have received a Citizen Income of an amount lower than expected, hope that with the renewal request there may be a recalculation, to receive a check more suited to your needs.
It must be said, however, that in reality – except for some specific cases – the application for renewal of the Citizenship Income does not lead to recalculation of profit: let’s see why.
Citizenship income: what is needed for the renewal application
It is assumed that those who in October, therefore one month after the suspension of the benefit, will make a new question in order to give rise to the renewal of the Citizenship Income still in possession of capital requirements me income required by law.
On the other hand, for the renewal application you must submit same ISEE requested last January release monthly payments starting in February; therefore, if the Citizenship Income continues to be paid, it means that the interested party still has the necessary financial requirements to enjoy financial support.
In the absence of communications subsequent to the issuance of the ISEE 2020, therefore, there is no reason why the household will not get the green light for the renewal application.
In any case, there could be a risk of exceeding the thresholds with the ISEE 2021, which must be requested at the end of January in order to continue receiving the Citizens’ Income also during the following months.
We remind you that any change in the income, or assets, of the family unit during the period of use of the Citizenship Income must be reported using the SR181 module (for changes in the household, however, a new ISEE is sufficient). In the case of a change in income with respect to what is indicated in the ISEE, therefore, it should have already been communication to the Institute, with the INPS that will have already carried out a new evaluation to verify the maintenance of the required requirements.
summarizing: Those who today regularly receive the Citizenship Income should not have problems obtaining its renewal.
Citizenship income: no recalculation with the new app
However, given what has just been said, it should be noted that despite the new question, no recalculation of profit. This is because the income and assets on which the integration of family income will be calculated are the same as those taken into account for the eighteenth, as well as the last, month paid in the first period of use.
Therefore there is no reason why the amount of citizenship income should change with renewal; In any case, there could be differences for those families that during the month of suspension of the benefit suffer variations in the composition and for this reason must present a new ISEE at the same time as the renewal.
Those who have found work During the month of suspension, you must communicate it in the application form, completing section E and attaching the model SR182. In that case, the recalculation is most likely there, with the support it should be lower compared to what was received with the eighteenth month paid.