Departure for Italy – The Head of State stressed that “the inauguration of the school year, never like this time, has the value and significance of a restart for all of society. This is felt by children, adults and institutions understand it. We are facing a decisive challenge. “The closure, he added, had been” necessary but painful. “
Long band – A problem that came to light with the blockade was that of broadband. The President of the Republic explained that “this period has underlined, with great evidence, the urgency and absolute necessity of having broadband throughout our country. The confinement has shown us that children without computers at home have suffered severe exclusions. , those who lacked enough space, those who already lived in a marginalized condition. We must prevent the digital divide from becoming an insurmountable rift ”.
EU resources for schools – The Next Generation plan is an “extraordinary opportunity not to be missed” to also modernize the school, starting with broadband. “The restart of the country – said Mattarella – also offers us an opportunity to take a quality leap. Going back to school does not mean going back to the past. We must invest in the school, starting with proper staffing planning. . We have to make sure that the best graduates have teaching as their goal. “
The message for students – “We are all responsible, and we must feel responsible to others – said the Head of State to the students -. A proof of responsibility is also required of you, dear children, and I am sure they will be presented.” It depends on the collective security of each one, that of your parents, that of your grandparents. There is no greater responsibility that allows us to do without that of each one of us ”.
The message for teachers – “Our teachers – finally stressed the Head of State – continue to be called to a precious work, which will require courage and initiative. We know that we can count on their human and civil passion, which they have continued to express, even in the face of misunderstandings and unresolved problems. “.
Willy’s death – Mattarella then returned a thought to WillY Monteiro Duarte, the 18-year-old murdered in Colleferro. “We are shocked by the death of Willy, beaten to death for defending a friend from violence. His smiling face will remain as an icon of friendship and solidarity, which recalls the educational and formative tasks of the school and of our entire school, culture, continuous confrontation are also antidotes to the virus of violence and intolerance, which also it can infect the community if care is reduced. In line with these values, it is necessary to explain the maximum commitment to counteract those who practice vile and brutal violence that has been repeatedly manifested even in recent days. Those who preach or excite them on social networks ”.
In Vo ‘Euganeo also Casellati and Azzolina – In Vo ‘Euganeo the President of the Senate, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, and the Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina were also present. The latter was emotional during her speech: “The time has come to return the school to the center of the country’s system. To relaunch it as an institution of first importance where the foundations of the Italy of tomorrow are really laid. Every minute lost will be delayed. the progress of an entire nation. Let’s celebrate this recovery together. Let’s go back to school. “