COVID substitutions in accordance with art. 231 bis Legislative Decree 34/20: the Ministry has prepared useful instructions for the school secretariats to upload the related contracts
Contract N 19
The type of substitute is N19 with the flag “short substitute that does not cover absence”.
Final date
The Ministry reiterated in the annual circular on substitutes that contracts, in accordance with art. 3 of OM 83/2020, are similar to temporary substitutions. Therefore, they have legal and economic effect from the start of the service and the duration “until the end of the lessons.”
This led us to say that contracts could have as a deadline the last day of classes established by the single school calendar.
In the operating instructions, on the other hand, the system will check the type of place and the contract can go from the effective date of September 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020, or January 1, 2021 if it is a place available after December 31, 2020.
Substitute for Covid teachers
Covid teachers can be replaced from the first day of absence and the Ministry has also established specific functions of the SIDI for this.
From what ranking will the COVID substitutes be called
Staff: ranking of schools
Personal ATA: ranking of schools
Dismissal for just cause
The circular highlights that in the event of suspension of face-to-face teaching activities, activated work contracts are terminated for just cause, without the right to compensation.
In the event of termination of the suspension, upon resumption of face-to-face teaching activities, the aforementioned contracts are reassigned to the previous owners, when they are still available, for the purpose of teaching continuity and the profitability of the administrative action.
What is meant by “suspension of teaching activities in the presence”: national blockade or suspension of lessons for each class or school?
We report the response provided by Senator Granato (M5S) to this request
The operating instructions for the conclusion of contracts related to SIDI