Sept. 14, 2020, 2:15 p.m.
From Tonali to Chiesa, among those who have arrived and those who are at the center of the market rumors. The director of Milan Paolo Maldini says it all to Heaven Sport, these are his words.
CHURCH – “Church in Milan? He is one of the best young Italians, we know that. To be honest, there has never been a negotiation with Fiorentina for the Church.. This is the state of things to date ”.
MARKET – “We try to improve the team, our priorities have been covered. We have some issues with the defense centers due to injuries. Until October, we will try to take advantage of the opportunities that exist. As mentioned, the priorities are already made ”.
TONES – “It’s a 2000, he’s very young and he has fulfilled his dream. It is a beautiful story. The fact that Sandro plays with us seemed impossible just a monthThanks to the boy and his agents, President Cellino was a person of courage and words. And also to our owners, who have changed course and made this investment. Footballers are professionals, it is not so common to see so much passion. I spoke to the boy almost two months ago and told him that we would hardly be there. Our common hope was to bring him to Milan, making sure he did not lose this dream. We got to the point where things aligned and we managed to bring him to Milan. “
SOCIETY – “There are common objectives, sometimes the ideas are contradictory, but with a common line things are very natural. The results obtained in the post lockdown are evident and the result of a program that had already started last year. It saddens me that Boban is not there, he is a dear friend of mine, without him we are less strong but we try to reach a common idea ”.
LEAO – “European League? It’s a game that worries me. We have Leao injured, we have Rebic disqualified. It will not be easy”.