Pasini went to the restaurant, then burned the body


Alessandro pasini would go to have lunch in a restaurant with some friends, before returning to the car with the bodywork on board, reach the field of Vergonzana and set fire to the vehicle where the remains of charred bones were found that researchers believe belong Sabrina beccalli.

Pasini in a restaurant with friends before burning Sabrina’s body

This is the new detail, reported by the newspaper La Provincia di Cremona, which arises from investigations into disappearance of the 39-year-old Crema. A case in which the employee, a former friend of the victim, was arrested, charged with murder and destruction of a corpse. Pasini’s defense attorney, Paolo Sperolini, announced a defensive memorial.

The turning point in the investigation: human bones in the charred car

A major turning point in the investigation came this week, with the confirmation that those found in the charred car were human remains and did not belong to a dog as originally thought. It will be the DNA test to establish if the analyzed bones really belong to Sabrina. This circumstance, on the one hand, would confirm the version of Pasini, who admitted to having destroyed the body, denying nevertheless having killed Sabina. “The result of the group of experts is the confirmation that my client told the truth, as stated from the beginning,” explained Pasini’s lawyer to

Ats vet position under scrutiny by authorities

On the other hand, he raised questions about the work of the veterinarians who first evaluated the bones. “The matter is being examined by the judicial authorities”, Ats Val Padana limited himself to commenting in a brief press release on the position of his veterinarian, Giuseppe Casirani, who carried out the assessment of the remains, declaring that they belonged to a dog.
