Today the region’s ordinance on the obligation to carry out tests and swabs for those who arrive on the island comes into force. In the background a strong confrontation between the government of Solinas and the government of Conte and the many doubts of the citizens, remedied by the explanatory note released last night.
Circular that answers some questions, but not all. “If I do the swab as soon as I arrive, will they guarantee the result in a short time?” “If I travel for work every week, do I have to observe the same rules as tourists?”
“I have read and reread the ordinance and I have confronted magistrates and jurists, but I still do not have clear ideas about the meaning of various provisions,” underlines Giulia Andreozzi, lawyer and municipal councilor of the progressives in Cagliari. “Although it had been announced for several days, it seems that nobody has had time to write it in correct and understandable Italian.”
CLARIFICATIONS – In the explanatory note, the Region recalls that “throughout the national territory and in Europe there are hundreds of public and private structures that have an agreement that quickly carry out tests in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance.”
Presenting yourself with the certificate of negativity “is not an obligation, it is an invitation,” explains Health Councilor Mario Nieddu.
THE RULES – Those who take a plane or a boat to the island, but the same rules apply to boats and private vehicles, must register in the Sardegna Sicura app, fill out the questionnaire and undergo a temperature check, and so far nothing new.
However, starting today, individuals are invited to take a negative test result no more than 48 hours prior to departure. A swab, but also a simple serological one that detects the presence of antibodies. A self-certification is also valid, specifying the type of test carried out, the date and the installation in which it was carried out.
Those who come without certification must undergo a test within 48 hours after entering the regional territory. This test can be carried out in stations “eventually” installed in the ports and airports of the regional territory, or by contacting the reference ASL or in an accredited private laboratory. Here is the list of accredited facilities and sampling points on the island for test administration.
The cost of the test will be reimbursed by the Region upon presentation of a regular receipt, “in accordance with the terms and procedures defined by resolution of the Executive”. Pending the outcome, we must remain isolated.
The task of checking the certificates and informing the councilor of the names of those who should carry out the swabbing is the responsibility of the airport management companies, the Sardinian Maritime System Authority, the shipping addresses, the port authorities and the port administrators.
EXEMPTED – These measures do not apply to children under ten years of age, people who leave the Island who return within 48 hours, who carry out functional activities to constitutional bodies, crews of means of transport, anyone who enters for a period not exceeding 120 hours. for labor, health or absolute urgency reasons, medical personnel, those who transit less than 36 hours, officials of the European Union, diplomats, the military in the exercise of their functions; to students who study abroad and return at least once a week.
MASKS – The ordinance also provides for the obligation to wear a mask throughout the day “in all indoor or outdoor environments where it is not possible to guarantee a distance of one meter between people. Children under six years of age and subjects are exempt.” with forms of disability.