
Giorgia Meloni provokes the Ferragnezes and wonders why they don’t campaign against the spread of cocaine among young people. The leader of the Brothers of Italy advances her proposal from the columns of La Verità. Responding to a question about the gymnasts who killed Willy, Meloni responds: “They are light years away from any culture. I exclude that they have ever read a book. In any case, they are the children of those who propagated the Gomorrah model to make us millions. . Of those who have us. He explained that in Italy the drug problem does not exist. Whose maximum value proposes the objective of buying a pair of shoes worth 1,000 euros. “At this point, pursued by Alessandro Rico, he adds:” I wonder why Ferragni and Fedez are not campaigning well against the spread of cocaine among young people. “
The provocation of Giorgia Meloni comes as a result of the controversy over the posts published by the blogger Michela Grasso, later relaunched by Ferragni. To understand what happened you have to go back a few days. When Grasso wrote a post on Instagram about the murder of Willy Monteiro, the brutally murdered boy in Colleferro. In the post, the blogger spoke about the fascist cultural roots that, according to her, would have been behind Willy’s murder. A reflection shared immediately by Chiara Ferragni. The support of Fedez’s influencer wife has made Grassi’s followers skyrocket from 20,000 to 70,000 in two days. At that time, Grasso asked the social network to obtain the “certification” of blue ticks. Soon after, a link arrived, which apparently resembled Instagram, and you were invited to click on it to authenticate your identity. Only later did she discover that it was a trap. And the account was closed.