
More than a million Lombard students return to school, more than 70 thousand in Milan alone. These are children and young people who attend just under 5,000 primary and secondary schools in the region, of which about 1,200 are in the Lombard capital. Today, Monday, September 14, is the first day of school in the post-Coronavirus era: but the pandemic is still underway and attention is maximized both to ensure compliance with anti-contagion regulations (masks, distancing), and to isolate to any – but almost certainly – cases of positivity that should concern students or teachers. That it will not be an easy school year can also be seen from this first day: at the Trilussa institute in via Graf, a Milanese primary school, as documented by Fanpage.it, too many meetings have been created at the entrance, with some parents who did not leave to underline the lack of respect for interpersonal distance. “If it continues like this, it will close in a week,” a mother told Fanpage.it. The representatives of the parents had sent a circular explaining that they had to leave the children unaccompanied to the door. Then the children get sick: I am not risking my daughter’s life to send her to school. ”The confusion eventually led to the intervention of the local police, which arrived when the situation was already resolved.
At noon, the union made headquarters to protest the lack of teachers
In Milan, schools start a week after the start of kindergartens and kindergartens, which were a kind of dress rehearsal. But the resumption of schools, especially high schools, implies a series of additional difficulties: from transport, which from today will increase capacity to 80 percent and therefore will be subjected to an important test linked to participation, to the teachers themselves. According to the union Flc CGIL, which at 12 o’clock organized a protest presidium together with the other unions in front of the headquarters of the regional office of the school, formerly the Department of Education, there will be a total of 30 thousand “empty chairs” throughout Lombardy. , more than 10 thousand only. in the Milan area.
To the difficulties related to the lack of teachers and transportation are added those related to spaces, more necessary than ever to guarantee distancing. In Milan, the City Council has tried to take cover: a part of the historical headquarters of the training centers, in viale D’Annunzio, will host some boys and girls from the Cavalieri comprehensive state school, while another 1,200 children will find space in The 50 temporary wooden modules, prefabricated buildings, bought by Palazzo Marino and installed since last week in the courtyards of ten schools: however, they should be ready by Wednesday. While waiting for all the problems to be solved, many schools will turn to distance education, which is still valid according to the Ministry of Education: around 30 percent of Milanese students will use it on a rotating basis.
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