1 minute, 20 seconds

BETWEEN THE AFRICAN ANTI-CYCLONE AND THE UNSTABLE LOCAL INFILTRATION: the current baric order in Europe sees one massive presence of the African anticyclone, responsible for the abnormal heat not only in Italy but also in several other countries. When such a large air mass sits in mid-latitudes you need forceful action by the currents of the North Atlantic to retrieve it in the ranks. Well this decisive action is currently not seen, the activity of the polar vortex is still very slow in the European sector, it will be limited to bringing colder impulses to the northeast of Europe that will descend towards the east and southeast sector but the western sector will not be affected. In the near Atlantic they will withstand medium to high pressures with a local whirlwind activity that instead of fighting against the uncomfortable presence of the high African, it will incite it to stay in vogue. It remains to be seen if this low pressure can advance towards Italy on Sunday..
For this reason the situation does not seem to take a decisive turn, not even next weekend. Italy will continue to be partially affected, along with France and Spain, by a stable and warm air mass that will only be touched by cooler infiltrations from the north, responsible for a thermal drop and some storm, mainly in the southern regions, in other parts the climate will be sunny and with very mild temperatures, on average or even above average. Only on Sunday but to be confirmed, the evolution of the vortex to the west could lead some storms over part of the north. Always follow our updates.
For more details on the forecast, see the specific weather section in Italy.