Prepare the scissors on pensions: how much is lost on the check


When it comes to pensions, everything becomes very complicated. The Giallorossi government is working on a reform of the social security system and controls could change as a result. The executive and the unions were supposed to meet at the beginning of last week, but the face-to-face meeting has been postponed until September 16 so that technicians can develop a series of proposals. We talk about Odds 41: retire, that is, with 41 years of contributions, regardless of seniority. This is the hypothesis we are thinking about. Pension reform should start with the next budget law, but trouble is just around the corner.

One thing seems certain: the experimentation of Quota 100, as confirmed a few days ago by the Deputy Minister of Economy Antonio Misiani, it will expire at the end of 2021. The objective of the Minister of Labor, Nunzia Catalfo, is instead to guarantee greater flexibility in the exit (also favor the generational change with young people), think about discontinuous work and address the issue of guarantee pension for young people. Two technical commissions will be set up shortly: one to assess the separation of social spending between assistance and social security and one to study heavy work. The latter was decisive, to broaden the audience of beneficiaries ofSocial waters.

As written by The messenger, the central issue continues to be exceeding Quota 100. We discussed how to overcome, in one year, the merged of 5 years that will be formed between those who managed to retire with 62 years of age and 38 of contributions (Quota 100, in fact) and those who, from 2022, will be obliged to remain in work until 67 years (Fornero Law). Unions believe that anyone with 41 years of contributions should retire regardless of age. Today this option is only possible for i precocious workers who at the age of 19 had at least one year of contributions paid in arrears. On this front, the government does not seem entirely convinced but, in the face of the closure manifested in recent months, it is ready for dialogue.

However, the Giallorossi promote an alternative hypothesis. In other words, allowing those who want to leave early at age 62-63 by accepting a 2.8-3% cut in pay (introduced in 1996 by Dini reform) for each year needed to reach age 67. This reform would affect about 150 thousand people a year, who could thus retire 4-5 years in advance, renouncing an average of 5% of the treatment that would accrue for retirement when complying with current legal requirements.

At the center of the existing debate is also the overcoming of the automatic life expectancy applied to the requirements of pension and the correction of the most unfair aspects of the social security system. For unions it is important to support the well-being of women, build a contributory guarantee pension for those who have discontinued careers with low wages, protect the purchasing power of pensioners with measures that aim to contain the effects of the fall in GDP (we are speaking of revaluations) and expand the so-called fourteenth.
