Ciro Migliore has been hospitalized for two days after the accident that cost him his life Maria Paola Gaglione: pushed in motion by the brother who did not approve of her love story. Ciro, like María Paola, originally from the Parque Verde de Caivano (Naples), was with her on that scooter and in the fall she hurt her arm: now he is interned in the Villa dei Fiori clinic in Acerra, the town where they had decided to go to live, far from those who could not accept his love.
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Alabama Corriere della Sera, Ciro explained that “there always hinderedThey didn’t want us to be together because they said we were two girls. But that’s not true, I I am not a girl, Maria Paola has always loved me as a man». «They said I had infected her»continues Ciro. «Not to me personally, but in the neighborhood they repeated it over and over again».
Ciro and Maria Paola they had been together for three years: they had been living together for a month, away from their family. “I was 15 when I realized I was a man, I felt and felt like a man». «I wish I had been there instead, I wish I was dead. She was the woman of my life, I am not exaggerating: we really loved each other, it was something that lasted three years, not three months».
VENTILATION IN INSTAGRAM “I can’t accept it, why didn’t God call me? Because only for you my love … I can no longer imagine my life without you », vent on your Instagram profile, in which he posted a photo of them together. “Today is exactly 3 years of us, to take us and leave us all the time, I had my life like you had yours but we never stopped loving each other, and after 3 years I was living you, but life took away my love my greatest» , writes. “I still can’t accept it, I can’t, I miss your touch, I miss when you woke me up in the morning to annoy me, I miss everything about you, I have never stopped loving you since the first day I saw you. I will always love you my little one.
Last Updated: Monday, September 14, 2020, 10:38 AM