Retirement at 67, when with 15 years of contributions?


To access the retirementIn most cases, at least 20 years of contributions are required. In some cases, however, the old-age pension can also be reached at 67 only 15 years of contributions thanks to the 3 exceptions contained in the Amato law of 1992.

We reply to a reader who writes us:

“On 20 January 2020 I turned 67, I have 15 years of contributions, what right do I have to a pension?”

Pension with 15 years of contributions

As I wrote to you at the beginning of the article, at least 20 years of contributions are required to access the old-age pension. Only for those who meet the requirements of Amato’s 3 exceptions. Who can access the old-age pension with only 15 years of contributions?

Falls into the Amato’s first exemption You have paid at least 15 years of contributions and all payments before 1992.

Falls into the second exception Amato who has requested and obtained authorization to pay the voluntary requirements before December 31, 1992 (even without ever having paid voluntary contributions).

Falls into the third exception Amato who has been at least 25 years old (or who has paid the first contribution at least 25 years before retiring) and for at least 10 years has not paid the 52 weeks of contributions necessary to cover the entire year.

For those who cannot access retirement with 15 years of contributions, in any case, there is also the possibility of accessing the contributory old-age pension at age 71. This measure requires at least 5 years of contributions but they must all be placed temporarily after December 31, 1995.

“If you have any doubts or questions, please contact us at the email address ask it [email protected]
