The first day of school is skipped by a case of Covid-19


It starts badly in Aretino. Twelve hours after the first bell rang, the parents were told that they really didn’t want to do it. There is a case of Covid-19, all the elementary school children of Subbiano, a town in the province of Arezzo, are all at home.

Today, and probably for a few days to disappear, part of Subbiano’s “Garibaldi” complex will remain closed. The news circulated late in the afternoon, with the communication to the parents and the officialization on the institute’s website. All the details were later revealed on the Facebook page to Subbiano’s administration. There is no first day of school for primary school pupils “Righi” and “Pertini”.

A positive teacher in Sars-CoV-2: elementary school closes

“Unfortunately, the news received from the ASL of Arezzo came a few hours ago -explains Mayor Ilaria Mattesini- that a positive case has been found in Covid-19 among the teachers of the Subbiano primary school.”

The director Paola Vignaroli on the institutional website of the comprehensive institute “Garibaldi” explained: “We inform you that, after a positive case among the primary school teachers, the teaching activity in the underlying complexes of our Institute will be suspended in presence from September 14, pending further indications from the health authority: “Pertini” primary school – all classes (cube / castle / janus) suspended activities; “Righi” primary school – suspended activities of all classes in attendance. “

“The teachers – we read again – on the morning of Monday, September 14, they will communicate in the classrooms about the management methods of distance education. The rest of the primary schools, kindergartens and secondary schools of our Institute will carry out periodic activities. The school principal, the ASL, and the mayor are in close contact and all communications will be posted on the institutional website. We apologize for the inconvenience, inviting everyone to calm down, the ASL, according to the procedures provided in the protocol, is communicating with the people involved. for the administration of the buffer “.

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An obstacle, predictable. And the feeling that we will read more than one piece of news like this in the coming weeks: it is inevitable.

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