the salute with the elbow has now become the symbolic gesture of the pandemic, but this habit is very dangerous reports the World Health Organization. In fact, this custom violate social distancing to the people who do, thus exposing them to a greater possibility of contagion.
The salute with the elbow is a practice also adopted by many heads of state, however it is a gesture that It should be avoidedsays Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO director, repeating a tweet from economist Diana Ortega, “Greeting people is better avoid touching your elbows because this takes you less than a meter away from the other “.
The salute with the elbow is dangerous according to the WHO
From the WHO comes a new warning, with which he reminds that the salute with the elbow is dangerous. The same warning had come to him Last March, when the practice had begun to take root in people’s behavior, but now it has been necessary to reiterate it in the face of the increase in cases that are occurring in more and more countries.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus further specifies that this type of behavior is in contrast with “Government behavioral regulations recommending, instead, the use of the elbow to obstruct themucous particle spraying“. In fact, governments had been instructed to sneeze or cough into the inner part of the elbow, so greeting each other by touching with this joint would be “A parallel use e promiscuous of the ulnar joint that could be a source of risk and cause of contagion, since it is not hygienic or safe “.
The alternative of the economist Ortega
In addition to the invitation to maintain the greatest possible social distancing, the economist Diana Ortega also offers a ‘alternative decidedly safer that allows the safety distance to be respected.
In fact, the economist has explained that to greet people he usually uses “a hand on the heart“ a precise gesture in which security and sympathy are combined. This gesture could also be implemented within the Sassari Conservatory, in which with a severe measure of the institute was strictly prohibited the implementation of what they have called “reckless new habit“.
The conservatory has wanted to clarify that with the modification of this provision they want “Guarantee absolute health security” for both students and school personnel, such as teachers and other employees. Ivano Iai, the president of the conservatory has in fact specified Print that this greeting, “It is spreading rapidly in the most disparate social contexts, violates the ban on physical contact and interhuman approach “.