Three hundred twenty-seven people consulted on the Internet by the Ministry of the Environment have decided that the price of diesel at the pump will soon increase. It is not a joke, but the latest madness of direct democracy so beloved by the Grillini. Neither the Parliament, nor the government and not even a committee of qualified economists, but a survey that involved 0.0005% of Italians can decide or in any case influence the fiscal policy of the country.
Let’s forget that they had sworn to lower taxes – excise taxes on fuels are a tax – and let’s pretend that no one knows that the price of fuel, especially diesel, contributes significantly to the final price of consumer goods, because in Italy everything moves on rubber; in short, even without going into the merits, the method and the underlying demagogy are amazing, a mix between gretism and cretinism.
And cunning, that is the art of tricking people into lowering their taxes but at the same time cramming the daily lives of all of us with a myriad of taxes, each of which seemingly insignificant, but all together in the end weigh as much as a real sting. in the balance sheets of companies and families. After all, there is a certain consistency in all of this. If the economic policy of this government is not aimed at development but at well-being, it is obvious that somewhere the money has to be recovered and the only known method is to increase the tax burden. With one hand I distribute the income of the citizens and the redundancy fund, with the other I search the pockets of the taxpayers. How? Simple, I increase excise taxes that cannot be eliminated, I see the special taxes on diesel, and I authorize the Municipalities to make cash by dramatically expanding, and with insane criteria, the possibility of fining motorists.
When we argue that this government is a disaster, we do not mean it indirectly. No, this government is the one that is furthest from the idea, ours, of a liberal state that certainly would not trust the decision to raise a tax on 327 people (who knows how they were chosen).
I know it is not pretty and maybe not even serious, but if in two weeks, in addition to losing the regional elections, they also lose the referendum on the stupid reduction of parliamentarians, then new scenarios would open up. And the price of diesel, I am sure, would not go up.