The decision saw a tough confrontation within the executive who, even before the voting started, registered the resignation of the current Minister of Construction Yacoov Litzman, former Minister of Health disputed. Now there are fears of repercussions in the majority, as Liztman also announced that her party, United Torah, could leave the coalition.
First country in the world to reintroduce the blockade, Israel has recorded a net increase in infections that has even exceeded four thousand a day. Several hospital administrators, as Netanyahu recalled, warned that facilities could soon become saturated and the consequences would be dire. Among those most determined to support the use of confinement was the Minister of Health, Yuli Edelstein, who had to work hard to overcome the barriers raised by the religious, but also by other ministers such as Finance, Israel Katz, who warned about the impact of the blockade on the economy estimated at around five billion euros.
Religious and labor restrictions – In his resignation letter to the prime minister, Litzman emphasized that the shutdown would prevent Israelis from attending Jewish New Year and Yom Kippur services. In fact, among the measures would be the provision that the faithful in the synagogues are present in proportion to the capacity of the structures and that there may be a maximum of twenty faithful for prayers in the open air. Restrictions have also been introduced for work, both public and private. However, given the religious holidays, supermarkets will be open and home deliveries will be allowed.
There are restrictions on meetings.: maximum ten people indoors and twenty outdoors. Hotels and shopping centers are also closed. Israelis will not be able to go beyond 500 meters from their homes, with only a few exceptions. “These are not the parties we are used to,” Netanyahu said. “If we follow the rules – he continued – I am sure that we will defeat the virus. I see that the vaccine is coming.” The Israeli prime minister, however, rejected criticism that his government has been unable to cope with the pandemic, calling it “populism.” On the contrary, it was relaunched, arguing that populism and pressure were responsible for slowing down the government’s decisions to counter the pandemic.