Coronavirus, 61 new cases on the island: 26 in Catania


There are 61 new positives for Coronavirus in the last 24 hours in Sicily: 17 more than yesterday. This is clear from the Ministry of Health bulletin, which reports a decrease in swabs performed: 2,726, just over half of those processed in the previous survey (4,002). Tampons drop in here and new infections are unfortunately on the rise. Of the 61 respondents, only 3 are migrants: two in Ragusa and one in Syracuse.

Currently the positives are 1,793, of which 120 are hospitalized, 17 in intensive care and 1,656 in home isolation. Specifically in Catania there are currently 26 new cases. Those cured amounted to 3,158, while 290 died. Victim number 290 is a man from the province of Catania, who died in Messina. Therefore, the bulletin does not take into account the three deaths registered in the last hours in the hospitals of Cervelló and Villa Sofía. Ultimately, therefore, the deaths caused by Covid since the beginning of the pandemic should become 293.

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