the U.S seem trapped in a spiral of violence endless.
Of the great nation, in fact, there are dramatic stories of attacked police officers and violent agents against African Americans and beyond.
Every day is now marked by chilling news that is aggravating the social climate. The latest episode tells of a serious ambush of two deputy sheriffs in a Los Angeles county.
A fact that immediately provoked the indignation of Triumph and he echoed his motto “law and order.” What did the president of the United States promise?

America Increasingly Violent: Deputy Marshals Ambushed
The United States Police Department showed a video crash – just the latest in a long series – of violence and the disproportionate use of weapons in the great American power.
In Compton, Los Angeles County, a figure approaches the vehicle of two officers in the parked service car. Take out a clue, open fire and run away.
The balance is dramatic. The two bailiffs, a woman and a man aged 31 and 24, are seriously injured.
As evidence of the tense climate that the United States is currently experiencing, following the wave of protests against police violence and the movement Black lives matter, a group of protesters stood at the entrance to the emergency room where two agents were operated. Their screams are angry words against the deputy bailiffs.
Nearly 40 American police officers died while on duty in 2020, and FBI statistics show that eight of them were ambushed.
Numbers that count and scare even more at such a delicate time for American society. There is anger and a crescendo of violence, with increasingly dangerous use of weapons.
From accusations of racism to George Floyd case, the police and the entire US law enforcement operating system are under scrutiny.
Trump: “animals must be punished with the death penalty”
In such a scenario, Trump’s attitude so far has not been able to extinguish frustration and the danger of social explosion.
The incumbent president’s strategy, in fact, is to defend the hard line against violent protesters and police aggressors, without the slightest hint of police reform.
Order and law is his motto, to which is added the last forceful pronouncement on the ambush of the two deputy bailiffs. In reference to the attackers he said:
“Animals to be hit hard. If they die[gli agenti], speedy trial and death sentence for the murderer. The only way to stop this kind of thing. “
Therefore, the zero tolerance direction is maintained. Meanwhile the U.S they succumb to transversal violence.