Ask if it is appropriate that Luigi di maio, engaged in the electoral campaign in Faenza, is accompanied by the bodyguard made available as chancellor and in response he is requested to identify himself with many carabinieri in the place.
The complaint comes from the interested party, the Fdi deputy Galeazzo bignami, while the leader of the group in the Chamber Francesco Lollobrigida asks for an intervention from the institutions in this regard.
“We are in Faenza, in full electoral campaign”, explains the deputy of the Brothers of Italy Galeazzo Bignami. Among others there is also Luigi di Maio, who participates as the greatest exponent of the CinqueStelle Movement. “And here we have yours reserve stock as Minister of Foreign Affairs “says the parliamentarian. “Someone should explain to me if it is correct: legally nobody doubts it, I am a lawyer and I can guarantee that nothing is infringed at the level of the law. But I ask a question. Do you think it is appropriate that the escort assigned to the Chancellor is used to carry out? Electoral campaign initiatives? In my opinion, in our opinion it is legitimate and legal, but it is not appropriate. I asked the escort for information “Bignami continues, taking one of its members, who “He decided to take the card, which I showed him because he asked me to rate, and to identify myself. Do you see the carabinieri?”says the deputy as the video shows the men with the gun behind him, for whose work he declares the greatest respect.“They are identifying me. Why? Because I simply asked if the minister could use the bodyguard to carry out electoral campaign initiatives.”. Faced with a question posed not based on the role of deputy but of a simple citizen, the man with the escort asked for identification. “Of this gentleman”, Bignami explains, “Who also allowed himself to say that I am nothing. Because obviously if you are not from the red-yellow government you are nothing”. “Isn’t this a police state?” the FdI parliamentarian continues to ask. “We will ask a parliamentary question”, announces.
Francesco Lollobrigida, Leader of the Fdi group in the Chamber, expresses his solidarity with his colleague,“guilty of having asked only for explanations about the presence of the men in Di Maio’s blue car during an electoral initiative in support of the center-left candidate for mayor in which the minister had participated”.
Beyond the fact that, as Bignami himself explains in a direct social network, it is absolutely legitimate for a minister to move with his personal escort, on the one hand it seems inappropriate for this to happen during a non-institutional but purely political visit. , and on the other hand we consider shameful the treatment that was reserved to a parliamentarian of the Republic appealed by the escort of a minister as ‘nullity’ and later subjected to identification by the police ”., sinks Lollobrigida.
“The bodyguard of Minister Di Maio acted with an arrogance typical of historical periods that we believed and expected to pass.”, continues the note reported by Acted. “Their aggravated reaction to being representatives of the forces of order continues to be offensive and completely out of place. We request an immediate and decisive intervention from the Speaker of the Chamber Fico to protect the prerogatives and dignity of their parliamentarians. In an advanced democracy such as that of the Even as proof to the contrary, it is still Italy, the constitutional freedoms of those elected by the people cannot be ignored, trampled on or worse, trampled on without consequences. How long are the times of the Cinquestelle escorted by the people “, concludes.