When the Vaccine for COVID-19? A pressing question from around the world, which circulates especially in these exciting hours with the news coming from Oxford.
The stop and then the announcement of the return to experimentation with the treatment of AstraZeneca It has rekindled attention to the complexity of the vaccine.
An English professor at the University of Oxford has returned to warn about scientific studies. And to emphasize realism: the vaccine will not save us from the second wave of the pandemic. Which, on the other hand, seems to have started or is about to spread in some states.
About him Vaccine for COVID-19therefore, hopes and disappointments alternate. Updates.
The second wave will be vaccine-free
Second wave epidemiological and vaccineThere is little hope for the long-awaited immunity treatment before a new outbreak of the pandemic.
This is the truth of John Bell, 68, professor of medicine at the University of Oxford. The expert explained that most vaccines take approx. eight years to developwhile researching on the COVID-19 It’s only been going on for eight months.
The news of the resumption of tests on the treatment studied by Oxford-AstraZeneca was welcomed, considering that it represents the best hope to create a vaccine soon.
The Italian Minister of Health also spoke of signs of positivity, after the dark moment that had arisen with the cessation of experimentation due to an adverse reaction.
Now that the unrelated nature of the patient’s problems with the vaccine has been established, studies have begun. But we will still have to wait.
The Oxford professor snuffed out easy enthusiasm by talking about 2021 and adding:
“We are not going to beat the second wave now. We are probably now at the beginning of the second wave, but a vaccine could come towards the end. “
It is true that we have advanced about four months with the AstraZeneca and Oxford trials, but having a product ready to use is not that easy.
The famous Second waveTherefore, if he ever arrives in autumn-winter, he will see us without the vaccine. The countries of the world will have to depend on monitoring and efficient health systems.
Contagions on the rise: is the second wave coming?
When thewave of infections like March 2020? And above all, have you already entered some states or not?
These are the other big questions that are being asked now, besides the vaccine question.
In the second wave, in fact, uncertainty reigns. Austria has just announced that it has joined; there France register registration numbers of 10,000 positives per day; in Spain at the beginning of summer there was talk of a return of danger as in March.
Experts and scientists are divided on the forecasts: for some we are still at the tail of the first big wave, especially in the Americas. For others, fall will be the real test, and the spectrum of influence looms as well.
Meanwhile, there are more than 28 million cases and more than 900,000 deaths from coronavirus worldwide. Second wave or not, the scenario is not reassuring. And the vaccine relatively far.