Two waiters are fined in the Navy for “improper use of masks”


Burst of controls of the Local Police in the districts of Marina, Stampa e, Castello and Villanova.

The controls revealed violations of anti-Covid prescriptions: three employees in charge of the food and beverage administration of so many public establishments in the Marina district (two waiters) and the Stampace district (one waitress), were sanctioned for improper use of the mandatory mask. ; for them the pecuniary administrative sanction of 400 euros was taken.

For an operator of the administration activity in the Marina district, on the other hand, the administrative sanction of 500 euros was taken and the notification to the competent municipal service for the suspension of the authorization, because during the prohibited hours it sold alcoholic beverages for bring.

On the other hand, six infractions were found and sanctioned so many citizens who consumed alcoholic beverages during prohibited hours in the districts subject to the limitation.

(Unioneonline / F)
