Changes of government after the vote? PD wants reorganization


government in ferment: the regional elections at the gates they are already acquiring extraterritorial meanings.

Will the vote be a milestone to mark a strong change in the executive? Second Orlando, PS, yes. There is an air of tension, therefore, in the majority and the dem are pressing to open a new phase.

But what does it really mean? Remodeling? Different political agenda? Openings in the MONTH?

The questions for the government are many. the P.S. hopes to advance after the regional. What did Orlando say about it?

Government: after the new regional phase. What does the PD want?

The regional vote for the Democratic Party will not be easy. The center-right is advancing threateningly in some key territories, such as Marche and Tuscany.

An equilibrium situation that worries the dem, focused on the elections in the hope of obtaining popular legitimacy as happened with the victory of Bonaccini in Emilia Romagna.

The impression is that September 20 and 21 is a deadline: after consultations, the government will have to change its pace. Regardless of the results, the party of Gypsies I really want to affect.

To say that it is Orlando, PD exponent:

“I think that regardless of institutional reform, it is not so much about changing this or that minister but about opening one new stage. We are in the situation of spending 209 billion in a country that has been cutting back for a long time and there is a difficulty in implementing the planning “

Check the centrality of Recovery Fund, therefore, in the words of the Democrat. A unique challenge that cannot be wrong and from which the DP wants to make the most of it.

But not only. The statements are veiled, but not too much, about the need to also become executive composition.

Orlando added in an eventual remodeling post-election:

“Who will decide with Conte but that it is a question of having the equipment in a different configuration is a requirement derived from this phase. I do not exclude that there may be an effect on the structure of the government “.

the P.S. Will you have to count more, even numerically, in most? The dem probably expects it. And the regional could favor this change.

Center-left leader: Zingaretti trembles with Regionals

The regional effect could also fall on the internal structures of the PD. It is no coincidence that the secretariat was alarmed in Tuscany, where its candidate Giani is trudgingly overwhelmed by Lega’s career with Ceccardi.

Then, to throw more confusion into the party, there were statements by Bonaccini about Conte as a possible leader of the center-left. And Zingaretti?

Orlando’s response was stung:

“The leader of the Democratic Party is Zingaretti. I think Conte is the leader of a coalition that is recognized to have faced two non-trivial steps in a positive way: closure and success across the front in Europe on the Recovery Fund. “.

But nothing else. And also on a probable return of Renzi Orlando was blunt: in the regional Italia Viva he almost always sided with the PD. This is a passage that cannot be ignored.

Therefore, delicate days are expected for the government after the vote on September 20 and 21. the P.S. is in crisis: will there be reorganization?
