Willy, brothers Bianchi and Pincarelli ask for isolation in prison: “They fear reprisals”


In wood youth in prison for the murder of Willy Monteiro Duarte a Colleferro they asked to stay in isolation in prison for fear of reprisals from other inmates. For the moment, the brothers Gabriele and Marco Bianchi and Mario Pincarelli they are isolated according to anti-Covid protocols, but could remain there even after two weeks of preventive quarantine.

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There is also another reason to keep theisolation of the three detainees: as Il Messaggero writes, the investigators want to avoid contamination of the statements made by the three young men to the investigating judge. The terrible murder of Willy monteiro Duarte, however, unleashed an emotional wave that seems to have affected everyone and Stefano Anastasia, Guarantor of the Lazio detainees, confirms the fear of the three detainees: “After the preventive isolation of Covid, another form of isolation will have to be evaluated, because to prevent them from being the object of unwanted attention, so to speak, within the prison. Willy’s murder has shocked many Italians, including those in prison. We need attention. “

In any case, the prison administration will decide. HE the brothers Bianchi and Mario Pincarelli they have seen the accusation against them change from intentional homicide to aggravated voluntary manslaughter. The fourth arrested, Francesco Belleggia, on the other hand, he was released from prison and placed under house arrest after interrogation under guarantee before the investigating judge, since his version of events, inconsistent with what was alleged by the Bianchi brothers and Pincarelli, seems to be consistent with the statements of witnesses who witnessed the beating.

Last Updated: Sunday, September 13, 2020, 10:37 AM

