What happens if a case of a teacher or student with COVID-19 is discovered at school? Is teaching suspended? Is integrated? Or do you use distance learning? Possibles scenarios. In some schools this situation has already been faced. Both in the case of positivity of students and teachers or ATA staff.
The current emergency situation and the risk that a person may experience symptoms compatible with COVID-19 during their stay at school has made it essential to include a special section in the “COVID Safety School Protocol Guidelines”. The same needs to be done with regard to the reference to the “Guidelines for Integrated Digital Education”.
The stages
In particular, it is suggested that the Institute’s COVID-19 Contact Person pay attention to one of the following scenarios:
- student who has an increase in body temperature above 37.5 ° C or a symptom compatible with COVID-19, in the school setting;
- School worker who presents an increase in body temperature greater than 37.5 ° C or a symptom compatible with COVID-19, in the school environment.
Scenarios with only three evolutions:
- other symptoms and readmission to school;
- negativity after exams;
- positivity after swab.
The school and the student show an increase in body temperature
School personnel who become aware of a symptomatic student should notify the school’s COVID-19 contact, who immediately warns the parent / legal guardian. The student must be equipped with a surgical mask (if he is over six years old) and housed in a dedicated room where it will be necessary to proceed with the possible detection of body temperature, by the identified school personnel, by using thermometers that do not anticipate contact. The minor should not be left alone but in the company of an adult who preferably should not present risk factors and who should maintain, as far as possible, a physical distance of at least one meter and wear the surgical mask until the student is entrusted to a parent / legal guardian. Parents should contact the pediatrician or GP for a clinical evaluation (telephone triage) of the case.
Teachers and INAIL
For details on the use of INAIL physicians, see the INAIL circular of 6/29/2020 “Exceptional health surveillance for the risk of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, DL 5/19/2020, n . 34, art. 83, paragraph 2 “. 42 See the Memorandum of Understanding MI-OO.SS. Of 6/8/2020 and the ISS document of 8/21/2020.
Organizational arrangements at school
Within this reasoning, a reference cannot be missing:
the location of the environment identified for the reception and isolation of anyone who may exhibit COVID-19 compatible symptoms (large enough to hold even more people at the same time, adequately spaced even if equipped with a surgical mask, provided to the minimum possible , to speed up disinfection operations once emptied and well ventilated);
how the school is organized with respect to the school Coordinators for COVID-19 referred to in the ISS document of 8/21/2020 (choice of the number of Referrals, any Referrer who acts as coordination between all the peers who cover the same role, presence of one or more Representatives of the Commission referred to in point 15 of this document, etc.).
Cleaning and disinfection
Finally, it should be remembered that, in the event of the presence in the school of a person with suspicion or confirmation of contagion by COVID-19, cleaning and disinfection must be carried out as indicated in the mentioned MS Circular of 02/22/2020 in the introduction and residues. Products from these activities, such as used disposable rags and PPE, must be collected separately, treated and disposed of as potentially infectious material, category B (UN 3291
Guidelines on Integrated Digital Education
On August 7, 2020, the Ministry of Education issued Ministerial Decree 89 with annexes Guidelines on Integrated Digital Education. Basically, the Guidelines foresee the elaboration by the Teaching Councils of all schools of an organized work plan on mixed, face-to-face and distance teaching in a balanced balance between synchronous and asynchronous activities, immediately operative for upper secondary school. and that it will become totally remote in all school grades in case of worsening of the epidemiological situation. In addition, schools must carry out a systematic survey of the need for technological equipment and connectivity by students and, as a residual, by temporary teachers, considering that permanent teachers must have computer equipment. because they are already beneficiaries of the Master’s Letter.
The platform
Schools will identify the platform to use for distance learning, taking care to choose the one that meets the data security requirements necessary to guarantee privacy. The use of the electronic record will be reserved for administrative procedures, for school-family communications and the recording of daily tasks. It will be necessary to provide an adequate mix of activities in synchronous and asynchronous mode, with sufficient pause moments.
When distance learning is planned
You will return to classes and the school service will have face-to-face lessons. Digital teaching can be used in a complementary and integrated way in high school, as provided in the 2020/2021 School Plan of June 26, 2020 and as reiterated in the Guidelines for Integrated Digital Education. Only in the event of a new suspension of activities in presence, for emergency reasons, also due to the positivity of a student or a teacher, will it be necessary to use Integrated Digital Didactics for all school grades.
DDI remote
In the event that it is necessary to suspend again, even in part, classroom teaching activities due to epidemiological conditions, it will be necessary to reformulate the teaching objectives as follows: it is up to the class councils to identify the essential contents of the disciplines as well as to identify the methods for the pursuit of the following objectives:
- Promote inclusive teaching for the benefit of each student., using different communication tools, even in cases of difficulty in accessing digital tools;
- Ensure learning even of students with special educational needs. with the use of the compensatory and dispensational measures indicated in the PDP, the adaptation in distance education environments of the criteria and methods indicated in the PEI and PDP, enhancing the commitment, progress and participation of the students;
- Favor a didactic approach based on relational aspects and the development of personal autonomy and a sense of responsibility., oriented to learn to learn and to the spirit of collaboration of the student, to create a distributed and collaborative educational experience that enhances the social nature of knowledge;
- Contribute to the development of students’ abilities to investigate, acquire and critically interpret information in various fields., evaluating its reliability and usefulness, distinguishing facts from opinions and systematically documenting its use with the practice of dating;
- Encourage a construction of meaning and knowledge based on the exchange of learning objectives. with the students and their active participation, through constant dialogue with the teacher;
- favor formative evaluation to value progress, commitment, participation, and availability of the student in the proposed activities, continuously observing their learning process and knowledge construction;
- enhance and strengthen positive elements, original contributions, good student practices that may arise in remote activities, providing immediate and constant feedback with indications of improvement in partial, incomplete or not entirely adequate results;
- maintain relationships with families through registration in the Registry, ensuring information on the evolution of the students’ learning process.
The suspension of the didactic activity in the presence
An organizational circular model for managing the suspension of face-to-face teaching activities in the case of a student or teacher positive for COVID-19 is attached. The director Vincenzo Caico at the head of an important institute in Friuli Venezia Giulia, the State Institute of Higher Education “Michelangelo Buonarroti” (an institute that is donated to the territory with qualified secondary schools: Liceo Scientifico, Liceo Scienze Apply Liceo Sportivo and Liceo Linguistico) from Monfalcone (GO), has already had to prepare the start of distance learning for a class. The annex is a tangible example of this early start.
Remodeling the weekly schedule
As we said, in the event that, in the face of new confinement situations, it is necessary to resort to the DDI as the only tool to carry out the school service, during the week students will be offered a balanced combination of activities in synchronous mode. and asynchronous, to allow optimization of the didactic offer with the learning rhythms, taking care to provide enough breaks and at least twenty hours a week of teaching in synchronized mode with the entire class group and subsequent activities in small groups as well as activities in asynchronous mode according to DDI methodologies. The Class Councils will be in charge of structuring the weekly schedule based on the aforementioned principles. All the activities proposed, the planned checks and the tasks assigned by the teachers during the week must be indicated in the Agenda of the electronic register, in order to guarantee to the students and colleagues of the same Class Council an overview of what is being done. doing. , avoiding overlaps and work overloads, making consultation and communication clearer and more direct.
DDI: deployment mode
All teachers will continue to guarantee the right of students to learn through distance activities, also offering their willingness to collaborate with their colleagues from the different class councils to carry out recovery and support activities.
In particular, each teacher:
- will redefine, in tune with departmental colleagues, the learning goals and the methods for verifying your disciplines by sharing your decisions with students;
- will try structure and plan interventions in an organized and coordinated way with departmental colleagues and class councils, also in order to demand that students have a not excessive and adequate workload, which adequately balances the activities to be carried out with the use of digital tools or with another type of study, guaranteeing their health and security;
- will locate the verification methods of the most appropriate learning share them in the respective departments, taking into account, in the final evaluation, also the progress, the level of participation and the personal skills developed by each student; – will promptly communicate to the Class Coordinator the names of the students who do not follow the distance learning activities, who do not show any commitment or who do not have tools available to participate in them, so that the Coordinator agrees with the Rector on the actions to take to favor their reintegration and participation;
- Will continue to maintain individual relationships with parents. Through the annotations in the electronic registry and, at the specific request of the families, also by email and / or by videoconference.