There seems to be a hand shot (also indicate) give the grillini to Ale Di Battista and do not change it statute, leaving the M5S to remain inextricably linked to the association Rousseau chaired by Davide Casaleggio. So much so that Luigi di maio, interviewed by Rg2, reiterated that one is needed leadership strong, not a single leader in command. Di Maio’s idea is that of a structure schoolboy solid, which contrasts with that of Casaleggio, who instead would like a hood with full powers, chosen by Rousseau.
Noting that inside the grillini there is one shock Between the tough and pure and those who have become a bit chaste, perhaps the two great ones are worth reiterating. misunderstandings on which the Movement is based.
The first to be the M5S formally in the hands of a ‘private association also subsidized with public money led by the head of a srl. A misfortune Democrat that Beppe Grillo pretends not to see. The M5S is a digital party born from exploiting the power of the web. But despite having announced ways to democracy direct – second misrepresentation – practice appeared a lot fragile, with the serious risk of control from above.
It is true that electoral successes are usually brilliant misunderstandings but politics beats anti-politics only if it manages to avoid this kind of distortion.
September 13, 2020, 07:04 – change September 13, 2020 | 07:06