Anti-Covid test for those entering Sardinia, but only a hospital swab


“It is not exactly an obligation, but a very strong incentive recommendation”: this is how the Regional Health Councilor Mario Nieddu explains the request for certification of Covid 19 negativity for all those who arrive in Sardinia as of Monday, September 14. The restriction, valid for all origins, is contained in the latest ordinance issued last night by the president of the Christian Solinas Region, announced almost a week ago. There are two steps: certificate in hand upon boarding, or rapid antigen or swab test, on arrival (within 48 hours). While waiting for the result, we went into fiduciary isolation, with no alternatives. Despite the formula used, by short circuit: “the passengers (…) agree to undergo a test.” The commissioner still specifies: “This is not an obligation, simply because health treatment cannot be imposed. The Constitution establishes it.” And it is the same reason why, in June, the national government had rejected the proposal for a health passport, made several times by Solinas himself in the midst of numerous controversies. Hence the decision to enter the only obligation to register at arrivals: through the website or a specific application, now also used by Umbria.


Sardinia’s turning point, since Monday on the island with only one negative test on Covid

“We hope, above all, that they already arrive with a control carried out elsewhere – specifies Nieddu – after all we have a wide choice, even a very banal serological test, or the quick one, or the swab is enough”. Expenses borne by travelers, from 30 euros onwards, which generate the first discontent, especially in social networks: “It was necessary to protect health, to guarantee safety you had to face a small financial sacrifice.” With one difference: the antigen test can be carried out in one of the thirty-three accredited private laboratories distributed throughout the island. While for the classic tampon, at the moment, there is only one possibility. At a cost of 65 euros, and with a doctor’s prescription, swabs can now be performed (again, after closure due to positivity among employees) only at Mater Olbia, Qatar’s private hospital according to public health. A journey of more than 250 kilometers from Cagliari, the regional capital.

But soon it will no longer be this way, according to the board’s perspectives: “We have already approved a resolution on private laboratories that will be able to process swabs, even for travel reasons – adds the Councilor for Health – we must collect expressions of interest and proceed with accreditation” . There will not be many aspiring laboratories, because it is necessary to already have molecular biology machinery. On the anticipated times for the operations: “Long before the end of October”, assures Nieddu.

After the clamor caused by the outbreaks on the Costa Smeralda and the disputed ordinance on the opening of nightclubs, now the infections are also found in inland towns: such as Orgosolo and Nurri. Currently in Sardinia there are 1325 positives currently, 61 in the hospital (of which 12 in intensive care). The average exceeds 50 cases per day in recent weeks, and records a Rt transmission rate of 1.41 (among the five regions with the highest rate) according to data from the Ministry of Health and the ISS. “We had a peak in a short time, higher than last spring – says Nieddu – the system still holds, despite the speed. Fortunately, there is less recourse to hospitalizations and intensive care ”. In both Cagliari and Sassari, health directors have launched appeals on the Covid posts that are already completed: “We have already folded, because the system is modular. And it is ready to expand as needed.”
