Nomadland Chloé Zhao won the Golden Lion for Best Picture at the 77th Venice Film Festival, which announced the winners on Saturday night. The Grand Jury Prize went to New order by Michel Franco, while the Silver Lion for Best Director was won by Kiyoshi Kurosawa for Wife of a spy. The jury, chaired by actress Cate Blanchett, then awarded the prizes for best male and female performance, the Coppa Volpi, to Pierfrancesco Favino. for Padrenostro e Vanessa Kirby for Woman’s piece.
The main awards of the Venice film festival
Golden Lion for Best Film: Nomadland by Chloe Zhao
Grand jury prize: New order by Michel Franco
Silver Lion for Best Director: Kiyoshi Kurosawa for Wife of a spy
Coppa Volpi for Best Female Performance: Vanessa Kirby for Piece of woman
Coppa Volpi for Best Male Performance: Pierfrancesco Favino for Padrenostro
Best screenplay: Chaitanya Tamhane for The disciple
Marcello Mastroianni Award (for an emerging actor): Rouhollah Zamani for Children of the sun
Special jury award: Dear comrades! by Andrey Konchalovsky (Russia)
Best Film in the Horizons section: Waste land by Ahmad Bahrami
León del Futuro Award for Best First Work: Listens by Ana Rocha de Sousa
Nomadland, the film that won the highest award is from the Chinese director Chloé Zhao and the stars Frances McDormand, famous among other things Fargo me Three posters in Ebbing, Missouri. It is based on a book by Jessica Bruder, is set in Nevada and tells the story of a woman who crosses the United States in her truck.
The jury that awarded the most important prizes was chaired by the actress Cate Blanchett, and was composed of the actor Matt Dillon, the directors Veronika Franz and Joanna Hogg, the Italian writer Nicola Lagioia, the German director Christian Petzold and the French actress Ludivine. Sagnier.