Foggia, police ‘relief’ to deliver anti-Covid drugs to D’Avanzo ‘


The police ‘relay’ to transport a load of anti-Covid drugs to Foggia.

With sirens and flashing lights, the agents of the Highway Subsection of the Foggia Traffic Police made the delicate delivery to the ‘Covid Resuscitation’ department of the ‘Colonnello D’Avanzo’ hospital complex. The package was delivered at 8:00 p.m.

The cargo arrived escorted by highway police officers who ‘relayed’ the cargo to its destination. The drugs, it turned out, had taken a flight from Rome to land at Bari airport.

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In the capital of Apulia, therefore, the medicines were taken by policemen who, given the importance of the goods, guaranteed their delivery almost immediately and in complete safety. The activity is part of the specialty tasks of the Traffic Police, in addition to what is already guaranteed in daily activities, aimed at fighting crime and safety in the road sector.
