There are those who begin in stages, such as the comprehensive institute “Alfieri Lante della Rovere”, in Salario, where children recently enrolled in kindergarten will begin the educational year ten days after the others. Or that, like the IC of via Latina (in Appio), it will have to force primary school children to keep their masks all the time, waiting for the complete delivery of the single-seater desks. Many will go out on reduced hours at least during the first days, from the comprehensive school “Elsa Morante” (Testaccio) to the school in via Luchino Dal Verme (Pigneto). Despite a thousand fears and uncertainties, however, tomorrow in Rome the classrooms will reopen – after more than six months of forced shutdown due to the emergency of the coronavirus – to more than one hundred thousand students of Roman schools of the first educational cycles: infant, primary and secondary. There are 121 comprehensive schools in the capital that will resume “face-to-face” activities, respecting the provisions of the autonomous school calendar.
The list of institutions open from the 14th and those closed
The restart comes after a long work to reorganize the spaces and security of the buildings in accordance with the anti-Covid protocols. A process that also went through 14,636 serological tests on teachers and collaborators, with 175 people summoned by the health authorities to perform the nose-throat smear. In order to favor the return to schools (at least those that are available at this time), five thousand “short substitutes” have also arrived, activated to replace those teachers who, for various reasons, will not appear at the starting line, at less in the first phase. And there are many students who, at least in the first months, will have to wander from one classroom to another – to maintain the necessary distances – or even to other school complexes. This is the case of the comprehensive institute Publio Vibio Mariano (Cassia area), where all the middle classes will move from the San Godenzo complex to the Sesto Miglio complex.
In the historic center, then, the IC Ennio Quirino Visconti experiment arrives. Tomorrow each student must give the teachers the authorization, signed by both parents, to go out to the territory: the training offer will be carried out partly in the classroom and partly outside the school walls, with the project “The generalized school: the Viscontino school open to the city “. We will start with double shifts, however, at the Institute even via Luigi Solidati Tiburzi, in Portuense: at the “Cardarelli” complex (via Paladini) until the delivery of the work in progress, scheduled for the next few days, the fifteen classes will be divided between the first (7.55-10.30) and the second round (11.30-14).
There are many schools where there are still a sufficient number of masks. You will have to take them from home, for example, to the comprehensive school in via Soriso, in Boccea. “Considering that the supply of masks by the State has not yet been delivered to the schools, on the first day of school and the next (until further notice), students will have to enter the school with their own mask, preferably surgical – read one circular of the IC in via Teodoro Mommsen, Appio district – Other types of masks are allowed except those with filters, which are strictly prohibited. “At the Ic Alberto Manzi, in via del Pigneto,” we remind you that each student must wear an apron and mask, have sanitizing gel, an envelope to contain jackets or sweatshirts and an envelope to store the mask during the meal. “So, the question of the desks: the Piersanti Mattarella Integral Institute in via Sebastiano Satta (Collatino) is still waiting the supply of 445 single-seater benches for primary school and 258 for secondary school.And at the Ic Maria Montessori in viale Adriatico, in Monte Sacro, changes are expected in the schedule and organization. on due to work in progress.
Institutions forced to postpone
The latest circulars arrived between Friday and Saturday, causing the anger of hundreds of parents forced to wait another ten days to send their children to school. For many institutions ready to reopen tomorrow there are others that have decided, at the will of the directors, to postpone the restart. Admissions and lessons were moved after the Referendum and only in some cases from September 16 or 17. In total there are fifteen comprehensive schools that tomorrow will still have their doors closed for more than 13 thousand students -from kindergarten to secondary school- forced to stay at home and then extend teaching in June so as not to break the teaching plan that is articulated in more 200 school days. But what are the reasons that so far have led fifteen school leaders to postpone their departure? They range from light works that began to recover spaces and environments and thus allow a greater presence in the classroom, to the delays of teachers in serological tests.
At the Pietro Maffi Integral Institute, the rector’s circular announcing the inauguration on September 24 reads as follows: “There are no technical-hygienic-sanitary conditions necessary to use the school premises in compliance with current regulations.” Specifically, “the adaptation and improvement works of the Maglione and Don Morosini complexes are still underway, today (September 9, ed) the Maffi complex has been delivered, subject to energy efficiency works, and the cleaning and sanitation of the premises require adequate time, related to the size of the complexes ”. In this institute then the restoration of the classrooms, the arrangement of the furniture and the placement of the signs for the spacing of the stations “They do not seem compatible to allow the start of the lessons for September 14”. Once again: at the Via Ceneda Institute, which will also open on September 24, on Friday the communication of the postponement was sent to the families. Among the main reasons, the delays in the serological tests, not carried out or late by the teachers and the absence of single-seater desks. Even the Chiodi Dionigio Romeo Integral Institute in via Appiano 15 has postponed the resumption of teaching until September 23 “to reorganize the spaces according to the provisions of the latest legislation on security and to incorporate staff.”
Even the Instituto del Mar Caribe (X Municipality) will delay the opening, even if it is only one day, because the department of Simu del Campidoglio, which had to make the dividing walls in the gyms, did not find the materials on time and therefore the works will continue. 24 hours. Among the institutes that have postponed the opening until September 24, also the Ic Rosetta Rossi, the Ic Paolo Stefanelli, the Ic Largo Oriani, the Ic Crivelli. These and others are overwhelmed by the lack of completion of the works of the “light building” to recover as many environments as possible for the students. From the Regional Office of Schools, the director Rocco Pinneri points out a piece of information: “We paid a delay of thirty years in the construction of buildings, both in the construction of new schools and in maintenance interventions.” But the absence of teachers is also a factor, so much so that nearly 5,000 substitute contracts have already been planned for the year in hand. “As is well known, one of the chronically unsolved problems – says Laila Perciballi, president of the Roma Capitale Consumer Movement – that prevents schools from restarting is the difficulty in covering the so-called empty chairs.” Uncovered locations that in times of pandemic make restarting even more difficult.
Last updated: 21:57