Iran executed Navid Afkari, the fighter also defended by Trump


TEHRAN – Navid Afkari today he died by hanging in the city where he was born. The 27-year-old fighter convicted of a murder during the 2018 riots was executed this morning. The state television website writes this, quoting the Fars province attorney general, Karem mousavi. The sentence of “qesas”, that is, the “law of retaliation”, a sentence of “punishment”, was carried out this morning in a prison in Shiraz, the hometown of Afkari.



Iran sentences protest fighter to death. The world of sports arises

The death sentence was issued on the basis of a confession that Afkari later retracted because he was extorted through torture, said his lawyer Hassan Younesi. For the fighter there was an international mobilization, including a tweet from Donald trump, in which the president of the United States asked to spare the life of the young convict.

His case attracted the attention of social networks that denounced Tehran: “Afkiri and his brothers are victims, targeted for participating in the protests against the Iranian Shiite theocracy in 2018.” Authorities accused the fighter of stabbing an employee of a water supply company in the southern city of Shiraz during the riots.

The young man was hanged this morning, Mousavi said, adding that Navid’s brothers Vahid and Habib will serve 54 and 27 years in prison, respectively. The three brothers had reported having suffered torture in prison.
