In the province of Bologna there are 29 new positives, of which 4 returned from abroad (France, Spain, Romania and Ukraine), 4 from other regions (1 from Sicily, 1 from Marche and 2 from Puglia), 10 contacts of outbreaks already There are 2 known cases followed by controls in an ARC and 9 classified as sporadic. In Ravenna and its province, out of 25 new positives, 6 returned from abroad (4 from Albania, 1 from Ukraine and 1 from Romania), 2 from other regions (1 from Sardinia and 1 from Puglia), 13 from follow-up in already known cases and 4 identified after detection activities. In the province of Modena, of 18 new positives, 11 arose thanks to the tracking of known cases related to family outbreaks, 3 returned from abroad (1 from Albania and 2 from Ukraine), 2 cases after screening and swabbing, and 2 sporadic cases. In Rimini and its province, of 12 new positives, 3 returned from abroad (2 from Ukraine and 1 from Romania), 7 cases detected after contact tracing activities and 2 classified as sporadic. In the province of Ferrara, of 12 new positives, 4 returned from abroad (2 from Albania, 1 from Lebanon and 1 from Romania), 4 identified as contacts of already known cases and 4 after a swab in the presence of symptoms. In the province of Parma, out of 10 new positives, 2 returned from Romania, 2 from other regions (1 from Sardinia and 1 from Tuscany), 2 cases attributable to contacts related to outbreaks already known, 2 arose after previous tests hospitalization and 2 cases classified as sporadic.
The swabs made yesterday are 9,911, for a total of 1,019,818. To these are added 2,026 serological tests. Active cases, that is, the number of real patients, are 3,827 today (97 more than those registered yesterday). There is a death in the province of Bologna: a 78-year-old man with previous pathologies.
People in isolation at home, or those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment, or are asymptomatic, are a total of 3,658 (86 more than yesterday), 95% of active cases. There are 17 patients in intensive care (-1 compared to yesterday), while 152 are hospitalized in the other rooms of the Covid (+12). A total of 25,067 people were recovered (+40 compared to yesterday): 12 “clinically cured”, that is, who were asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 25,055 those declared completely cured because they were negative in two consecutive tests .
These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which do not refer to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 4,884 in Piacenza (+7, of which 1 symptomatic), 4,083 in Parma ( +10, of which 4 symptomatic), 5,553 in Reggio Emilia (+9, of which 7 symptomatic), 4,643 in Modena (+18, of which 10 symptomatic), 5,930 in Bologna (+29, of which 20 symptomatic), 534 in Imola (+ 6, of which 1 symptomatic), 1,319 in Ferrara (+12, of which 8 symptomatic), 1,619 in Ravenna (+25, of which 13 symptomatic), 1,258 in Forlì ( +4, of which 2 symptomatic), 1,043 in Cesena (+6, of which 1 symptomatic) and 2,497 in Rimini (+12, of which 5 symptomatic).