It happens even to the best, in this case to the Ansa news agency that last night, a week before the vote of the referendum on the cut of parliamentarians, has published mistakenly a Ipsos survey, commissioned by the Presidency of the Council. Two hours after the publication, Ansa made another pitch to ask “to cancel the news because it was transmitted by mistake.” La Ansa therefore apologizes but there are those who read behind the publication, there are those who read how Guido Crosetto (Fdi) a maneuver of the Palace or rather a “hand” or: “Well …” while many users do not settle for an apology and some hypothesize a hand behind the error, writes Crosetto.
He was the first to notice the error Lorenzo Pregliasco pollster and founder of YouTrend. “La Ansa released the data from a survey commissioned by the Prime Minister, then a short time ago, after about 2 hours, it sent a cancellation notice. I don’t remember something like this happening in the total pre-election blackout,” he said. written on Twitter Pregliasco.
Last night Pregliasco had noticed the launch of the “prohibited” agency and the director of Ansa Luigi Contu responded to his tweet: “It was a mistake and we apologize. As soon as we found out we canceled and deleted the news. How to do when unfortunately you’re wrong, “wrote Contu.