Bearded blue
Violence in politics has a clearly left-wing matrix in the history of the Republic. From 1974 to 1988, that is, in just fourteen years, the Red Brigades claimed 86 murders. The victims were police, police, politicians, magistrates, industrialists, journalists. However, the so-called “antifascists” every day in the newspapers, on television and on social networks would like us to believe that brute force is the exclusive prerogative of some parties, precisely the Lega and Fratelli d’Italia, and that Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni are rookies. and fearsome ducetti who profess bitterness and incite the masses to beat, slaughter, torture minorities and the weak. However, this mystified narrative, which also traces the causes of every negative social phenomenon and every crime news episode to Matteo and Giorgia’s propaganda, as happened in recent days for the murder of twenty-one-year-old Willy Monteiro, does not holds. In fact, it is Salvini and Meloni who are the daily objects of attacks, aggressions, not only verbal ones, insults, gratuitous accusations. In short, the leaders of the Lega and Fratelli d’Italia are victims of the fascist ways and customs of the antifascists. Despite this, they never spoke words full of resentment, they never responded to violence with equal violence, their reactions have always been calm, polite, civil, even noble. And we challenge anyone to quote a phrase that came out of the mouth of Salvini or Meloni and that contains an invitation to oppression. On September 4, 2019, for example, the journalist Rai Fabio Sanfilippo on his Facebook profile engaged in a bitter invective against the head of the Carroccio, also bringing up the latter’s youngest daughter. “You hanged yourself. I’m happy with that. Now he will lose at least 20.25 percent of the consensus that the polls give him. And what are you doing? You don’t have a job, you don’t know how to do anything, with the life you had six months and you shoot yourself, my enemy. I am sorry for your daughter, but he will have time to recover, only if qualified people follow him, ”the reporter had typed.
Hang it up! – In March 2019, cartoonist Vauro Senesi had drawn Salvini in the act of shooting himself in the head. In the same days, in Brescia, a giant puppet of the former Interior Minister caught fire. A few weeks later, in July 2019, it was Sergio Staino’s turn with a cartoon in which they hung the Northern League player and rejoiced that San Gennaro had performed the miracle of freeing us from him. Then, in November last year, hundreds of flyers were posted on the walls of Bologna with Matteo’s image upside down. Salvini responded on social networks: «Yesterday in Bologna fliers with the face upside down, distributed by the” good guys “of the violent left, who only know how to hate. The only possible answer is our smile. In August 2019, the councilor for Genoa, Stefania Giovinazzo, also wished that Matteo would end up hanging. This is what he wrote on Facebook: “Be careful, dear Ruspa, history teaches us that going from having the squares packed with people clapping to ending up face down is a moment.” Ultimately, is it Salvini who instigates violence or are his detractors who incite people to hate and attack the politician in question, to curse him, to wish his death? The Northern League is constantly compared with Benito Mussolini, Luigi Di Maio did, when in August 2019 he said that Salvini “is inspired by Mussolini”, the mayor of Palermo Leoluca Orlando did, describing Matteo as “the young Mussolini, a who should prevent Mussolini from maturing “, so do the information operators. And the insults directed at Meloni? Feminists in these circumstances are silent. They were not scandalized, for example, when Giorgia was photographed from behind without her knowledge in a Roman restaurant by actress Asia Argento, who posted the snapshot on social media. “Look at the fat back of a fascist,” was the comment of the self-described defender of women. Furthermore, Meloni had just given birth. Long live the tan vaunted female solidarity Recently, that is to say in July, the former vice president of the Cariplo Foundation and the religion teacher Paola Pessina posted on the web an image of the leader of the Fdi, accompanied by a perfidious observation: “Meloni is going bald. Excess testosterone besides being bad makes you ugly ». It would have been easy to get on the same level as Pessina, who is not really Claudia Schiffer. However, Meloni responded with the usual attitude: “I’m not interested in insults on a physical level, however, reading those phrases of those who should be an example leaves a little disappointed and perplexed.” So who are the true promoters of hatred, the true culprits of that climate of hatred that is discussed every day?