School, mockery of the banks in Manzù The new, the old do not arrive in the gym –


The 1,500 new positions were due to arrive on September 9. So the manager, Cesare Emer Botti, had everything ready: the old benches stacked in the gym, the free classrooms to accommodate the new ones. Except that the delivery announced by the Ministry never took place and in the Manzù art school, for now, the classes are empty. “We requested – explains Emer – 1,500 new desks, to replace the ones we had in the classrooms. We were expecting them on September 9, so we organized ourselves and, even with the support of professional workers, we had emptied the classrooms of the current desks, taking them to the gym. Except that the delivery never took place, we are still waiting for the counters. For every problem, however, there is a solution, so we organize ourselves to start the year with presence and in the best possible way: this is our priority ».

150 benches on wheels had already arrived in Manzù, smaller than those usually used, to be placed on branches, “where we have smaller classrooms – he continues -. At the moment, we have moved them to the premises and we will use them to house groups of students who will begin the lessons in person. We plan to organize the reception in this way: on Monday the first grade students will come to school, for the first reception phase in which the children will be given, in small groups, training on anti-Covid security procedures and on integrated digital teaching . ; the next day it will be the second graders’ turn to come to school, the next day it will be the third graders and so on. Who will be at home in the meantime will not be on vacation, but will be in integrated digital education. The old benches for now are stacked in the gym, waiting for the managing entity (the Province, ed) to decide where to place them. However, the important thing was to go out in presence.

In Manzù the problem is only the banks, because the masks have already arrived. “We had 8,000 – Botti concludes – in packages of ten. We also bought 7,000 more, to try to cover any need, and we divided them into packs of ten to distribute to each student, who will be fine for the first few weeks. Meanwhile, just today (yesterday for the reader, editor’s note) a new offer has also arrived from the Ministry: the communications warn us that weekly or fortnightly supplies will arrive. For the cleaning of the desks we will also involve the students: we are thinking of buying disposable wipes with which the children, after the lesson, will be able to sanitize the surfaces to a minimum, understanding that there will also be a more thorough sanitation by the school collaborators ”.

The Paleocapa Institute was also waiting for new desks, but not all schools had problems with spaces and desks: in the classical Sarpi institute the spaces and structures are adequate and will be able to accommodate all members. “We all already had single-seater desks – explains the director Antonio Signori – so much so that, even before the Ministry gave the possibility of buying new ones, we had given 100 to another school that did not have them. For the masks we supplied the ones that the Ministry previously gave us, but they were not enough for all the boys. We will distribute them on Monday: for now we have made packages of six masks each, so that the children are well throughout the week. The indication is that masks will be delivered to schools weekly: we are waiting for the next block. In general with the spaces we are in good shape because all the classrooms have large spaces. We did an internal tracking operation: each desk has the front leg placed on a yellow dot and for this year we will give up the rotation of the classes that we used in previous years, to match each class to a room ».


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