Coronavirus: Spain, the young heir to the throne in quarantine – Ultima Ora


(ANSA) – ROME, SEPTEMBER 12 – Princess Eleonora of Asturias, the 14-year-old heir to the throne of Spain, is in quarantine after a classmate tested positive for coronavirus: the royal family announced today .

According to the Spanish newspaper ABC, the same measure has been taken for the rest of the class, who will continue to follow the lessons electronically from home for the next 14 days.

The positive girl appears to have contracted the virus from her father. Princess Eleonora and the rest of the students in her class at the Santa María de los Rosales school in Madrid, who just returned to school last Wednesday, will now undergo anti-covid tests. A spokesman for the Palacio de la Zarzuela said that King and Queen Letizia will continue to fulfill their royal commitments.

Eight million children returned to school in Spain last week as authorities struggle to cope with a new wave of infections in the country.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, Spain, the ninth country in the world by number of cases in absolute terms, currently has 566,326 infections caused by the virus and 29,747 deaths. (HANDLE).