the Basic income It is the measure designed and implemented to fight poverty. To apply for the monthly subsidy it is necessary to have income and capital requirements. The amount is also calculated on the composition of the family unit.
We reply to a Money.it reader who writes us:
“I speak on behalf of another person who, despite living alone, receives a citizen income of 500 euros. I add that he does not live in the house he has.
I read in your article that it could reach 780 euros per month. How?”
Citizenship income, when is 780 euros per month?
A fee of citizens’ income is calculated on income, assets and composition of the family unit and allows 500 euros per month to be multiplied by the equivalence scale in which the unit falls based on the number of components.
The income received by the nucleus itself must be subtracted from this figure.
Other part of citizens’ income, then, it is by way of contribution for families that pay therent of the house (for a monthly amount of 280 euros) or that they pay the mortgage (for a maximum amount of 150 euros per month).
The only applicant, therefore, who pays the rent can reach receive up to 780 euros per month per month, while the applicant who only pays the mortgage for the purchase of the house can receive up to 650 euros per month but only if he does not have zero ISEE and does not receive other income.
In the case of your acquaintance, therefore, or even if you live in a house that you do not own, you do not pay the rent with a registered contract, or you have your own income and ISEE not exactly equal to zero, which decreases the monthly amount owed to you.
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