Support V cycle of TFA: the pre-selection tests will begin from September 24. The information of each University, including the admitted, excluded, exempt and supernumerary candidates.
Pre-selection test schedule
- September 22, 2020 preschool exams;
- September 24, 2020 elementary school exams;
- September 29, 2020 first grade high school exams;
- October 1, 2020 high school second grade exams.
We remind you that to access the course, applicants must pass three tests:
- preselective test (except exempt teachers based on service)
- written exam
- oral exam
Theoretical preparation course for TFA 202o support
Exempt from the pre-selection test
They are exempt from the preselective test, so ago directly to the written test
- me subjects who in the last ten school years have performed at least three years of service, even if they are not consecutive, which can be evaluated as such in accordance with article 11, paragraph 14, of Act No. 124, on the specific support post of the grade to which the procedure refers
- candidates with disabilities who have a disability equal to or greater than 80% in accordance with law 104/1992 art. twenty
Run pre-screening test
The score obtained in the preselective test will not be averaged with the subsequent written and oral tests.
There is no minimum score to pass the preliminary test and, as required by Ministerial Decree 92/2019, a number of candidates equal to twice the places available in the single university for access are admitted to the written test (in individual universities ). Those who obtain the same score as the last of those admitted are also admitted to the written test.
The preliminary test consists of 60 questions, each of which presents five answer options, among which the candidate identifies only one. At least 20 of the aforementioned questions are intended to check language skills and understanding of Italian texts.
The correct answer to each question is worth 0.5 points, no answer or an incorrect answer is worth 0 (zero) points.
The test lasts two hours.
The final ranking
The ranking of those admitted to the courses is formed, within the limits of the places announced, adding the results of the written test + oral test provided that each passed with achieving a score of not less than 21/30, plus the score attributed to the result of the assessment of qualifications. In the event of a tie, the candidate with the longest tenure in the teaching service prevails over the support in schools.
In the event of greater equality or in the case of candidates who have not performed the aforementioned service, the youngest candidate prevails.