“I know Silvio Berlusconi would take the coronavirus in March, he would die. “ Alberto Zangrillo surprised everyone, Thursday night, a Piazzapulia. too Alessandro Vergallo, President of Aaroi-Emac, the national association of hospital resuscitators, which also includes the professor of San Raffaele who is in charge of Cav.
According to Vergallo, interviewed by Republic, the virus “remains lethal mother you die less“, thanks to” early diagnosis and targeted therapy “after 6 months of (dramatic) experience. It is incorrect to say that the coronavirus is”weakened“:” We do not have data that allow us to scientifically affirm that it is weaker. There is no difference between the clinical cases that we are admitting now and those in March. The decline in access to resuscitation is not due to a weakening of the coronavirus. “And Berlusconi?” retrospective forecast it seems a bit to me to play from a scientific point of view. “Lapidary.