41 new cases in the province, also outbreak of Civil Acceptance


Intensive care decreases, like hospitalizations, but new infections do not stop, which yesterday were 41 according to data from the Lombardy Region. As anticipated yesterday, among the new active outbreaks in our province there is one within the Civil Hospital of Brescia. No infected doctors, however, the virus circulated among the staff of the admissions service. The general director Massimo Lombardo intervened in the case.

«Positive workers, currently in quarantine, are subject to the same monitoring and will perform two swabs before they can return to work. explained the general manager – The Preventive Medicine of the ASST evaluated all the work contacts of the switchboard operators and swabbing was performed on the workers who were in close contact with them, among them, only one, a relative of a switchboard operator, tested positive. Also for this new positive case, not belonging to the health area, samples were sought and taken from all close contacts, none of them tested positive. All the way was shared with ATS Brescia ».

The data for Friday September 11

swabs performed: 17,986, total total: 1,793,656.
new positive cases: 257 (of which 33 ‘weakly positive’ and 12 after serological tests)
total healed / discharged: 77,318 (+114), of which 1,372 discharged and 75,946 recovered
in intensive care: 27 (-3)
hospitalized patients not in intensive care: 246 (-10)
deaths, grand total: 16,896 (+4)

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New cases by province

Milan: 78, of which 42 in the city of Milan;
Bergamo: 15;
Brescia: 41;
Like: 6;
Cremone: 4;
Lecco: 6;
Lodi: 3;
Mantua: 22;
Monza and Brianza: 31;
Pavia: 21;
Sondrio: 0;
Varese: 23.
