
Four Yamahas in the top six seem to certify without a doubt that the M1 is competitive here.
“We expected it – he says Valentino rossi – but until you hit the track you can never be sure. Also, other manufacturers had tried it here, there is always the fear of starting at a disadvantage. We definitely got off to a good start: we still have a lot to do, but we are competitive”.
A completely different story from Austria?
Completely different: I also feel much younger here on the bike!
How is your rhythm going?
Not bad, especially in FP2. In the morning he had had more difficulties, but in the afternoon he was much more consistent. Quartararo and Vinales are very strong; Pol Espargaró and Suzuki bikes are also fast: I need to improve my pace by three tenths.
Here a particular asphalt was used and it seems that the FIM wants to impose the same asphalt for all circuits; what do you think about it?
It would be a great idea: I think the same asphalt on all tracks would raise the already high level of MotoGP even more.
Many riders complain about potholes, while you on the Yamaha seem to suffer less; Can this be the decisive key?
I came here to ride the road bike when the asphalt had just been redone and it was really beautiful, a pool table. Then I went back and there were already some holes, which are increasing: obviously a good job has been done, but the bottom is moving a bit. It is true that our bike is very stable, especially in the fast corners: it helps on this small, difficult and aggressive circuit with MotoGP.
Can you aim high?
Let’s say it could be a good opportunity.
And there is also some audience.
Yes, I know that the 10,000 tickets were burned in a few hours, like for the Pink Floyd concerts … It’s good for our sport, let’s hope it is the beginning of a return to normalcy in 2021.