The signature of Sergio Mattarella Alabama DL simplifications arrives, but there is also a letter that the President of the Republic sent to the presidents of the Chamber and Senate, the grillino Roberto fico and the forceista Elisabetta Alberti Casellati. And not a trivial item, in fact, because it represents an indirect message to Giuseppe Conte and the government.
In the institutional charter, the Head of State stresses that “various provisions” are not attributable to the original purposes and invites the executive “to ensure that no rules are inserted during the parliamentary examination of decree laws.” clearly heterogeneous with respect to the object and purpose of the emergency measures “.
A warning also for him Parliament, to which Mattarella reminds “the need to operate in such a way that the reform activity is carried out in total coherence with the content limits derived from the constitutional provision.” Words with a polite tone but with a very heavy content: the suspicion is that the Dl Simplification can be interpreted as an ordinary Milleproroghe Decree: as, that is, an assault on the diligence without scruples or shame.