
A difficult question and the answer between the writer Roberto Saviano and the secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti. In an interview with PrintIn fact, Saviano harshly criticized the Democratic Party, defining it “water steam” and then he jabbed Zingaretti: “Walk along the walls so they don’t see you.” His words came after the election of the Democratic leadership to vote yes in the referendum on September 20 and 21 parliamentary court. “The Democratic Party could vote no, maybe, maybe … they don’t believe in anything. One thing is worth the other,” commented the writer, who instead reiterated his no: “I will vote with conviction No. And mine will be one vote against this ruling class. ” And to the question of the possibility that the Democratic Party Succubus MovementSaviano responded that in reality the Democratic Party is subject to a “very serious lack of political identity. It does not have a clear position on the most relevant issues.”
Zingaretti’s response was immediate. Interviewed by Skytg24, the secretary said that those who insult have finished the arguments: “Tens of thousands of women and men who defend Italian democracy against the right wing of Salvini and Meloni deserve respect and have the respect of Italians. The Democratic Party, in many Regions, will be perhaps the first Italian political party. “